Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


NoneNo function.
Average *Arithmetical average of all archive object values.
W-Average *Weighted arithmetical average of all archive object values.
IntegralTime integral of historical values.
SumSum of archive object values.
MaximumMaximum of archive object values.
MinimumMinimum of archive object values.
CountNumber of archive object values.
FilterApplying a filter for value storing into the statistical archive.
IncrementIncrement between values.

If the newer value is greater than the older one, then the difference between the values, otherwise the newer value (the function is useful to process counter values that oveflow and start from zero again).
Parameter (Compare value) – weight of impulse. The result will be the impulse multiplied by its weight. Weight of 1 will ensure standard behaviour.

DeltaDelta between values. Parameter (Compare value) – weight of impulse.
The result will be the impulse multiplied by its weight. Weight of 1 will ensure standard behaviour.
EcoAvgAverage of the object values within the elapsed time period (Period parameter in Time parameters tab) according the methodology based on flags of individual values entering the statistic. The same purpose is fulfilled by the function %EcoAveR, that is implemented for eval tags.
GT Time (>)The function calculates the time, during which the value of the historical value was greater than the entered constant (Compare value).
GE Time (>=)The function calculates the time, during which the value of the historical value was greater or equal to the entered constant (Compare value).
LT Time (<)The function calculates the time, during which the value of the historical value was lower then the entered constant (Compare value).
LE Time (<=)The function calculates the time, during which the value of the historical value was lower or equal to the entered constant (Compare value).
Maximum in time intervalObsolete - do not use!
Minimum in time intervalObsolete - do not use!
Number of local maximums
Number of local minimums
Sum of positive valuesSum of positive values of the historical value.
Sum of negative valuesSum of negative values of the historical value.
Average of positive valuesArithmetical average of positive values of the historical value.
Average of negative valuesArithmetical average of negative values of the historical value.
Sum of incrementsSum of increments for given time interval. If the new value is less than the old value, the increment is 0.
Parameter (Compare value) – weight of impulse.
The result will be the impulse multiplied by its weight. Weight of 1 will ensure standard behaviour.
Time slice**Object value in given time moments.
Sample standard deviationThe function calculates the sample standard deviation of all values of the archive object.


The difference among the functions INCREMENT, DELTA and SUM OF INCREMENTS is shown in the following figures.

In the first case, all three functions are equal to 5 (10-5)

In the second case

  • DELTA = 5-10 = -5
  • INCREMENT = 5 (because 5 <10)
  • ADDITIONAL AMOUNT = 0 (because 5 <10)

In the third case

  • DELTA = (10 - 5) + (2 - 10) + (10 - 2) = 5
  • INCREMENT = (10-5) + 2 (because 5 <10) + (10-2) = 15
  • ADDITIONAL AMOUNT = (10-5) + 0 (because 5 <10) + (10 - 2) = 13

