Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Another method of usage of EDA debugger is the initiation of calculation for debugging directly from ESL script. This method requires supporting functions of the EDA debugger. In the first step, the user must create a debugging connection with the process that executes EDA calculations. To establish this connection, use the function %HI_EDADebugOpen. The function %HI_EDADebugClose closes this connection. After creating debug connection, the user may start the calculation of the calculated vector for debugging by calling the function %HI_EDADebugVectorRec. When calling %HI_EDADebugCalcFunctionRec, it activates debugging calculation of the EDA-L formula. Functions %HI_EDADebugVectorRec and %HI_EDADebugCalcFunctionRec do not wait for finishing the calculation that was started by these functions.

Third method of usage is the possibility of editing the formula of the vector. For editing, it's necessary to insert the initial formula using function %HI_SetText. The edited entry can then be retrieved by calling the %HI_GetText function. Pressing the "Syntax Check" button generates an OnDebuggerAction event. The result of the syntax check can then be inserted using the function %HI_SetDebuggerResult.

Example of an EDA debugger that is used in a picture opened in HI:


  • Toolbar – contains buttons that represent are used for starting debugging, editing and entering debug commands.
  • Tabs with calculations – contains source formulas of vector calculation.
  • Info tabs:
    • Compile - contains compilation and static analysis reports.
    • Debug -
    • Messagescontains messages that have been were generated during the calculation.
    • Notations – contains a list of lines that contain comments beginning with the word TODO or FIXME.
    • Variables Watch – contains monitored the tracked variables of the selected vector.
    • Breakpoints - contains a list of breakpoints placed in the editor.
  • Call stack – contains the current list of nested vectors of aborted calculation.
