Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Allen-Bradley Micro820 
  • 1769 CompactLogix 5370 Controller (1769-L18ER/A)
  • ControlLogix EtherNet/IP bridge Module (1756-EN2TR/C) connected to 1756-L85E ControlLogix 5580 Controller  (1756-L85E/B)
  • SLC 5/05 05 1747-L553/C Ethernet C Ethernet Processor (in encapsulated PCCC mode)
  • MicroLogix 1100 (in encapsulated PCCC mode)

Note: The Micro820 firmware version 6 only partially supported work with symbol addresses. Reading and writing worked, but browsing didn't - there was no class Symbol Object [0x6b]. Firmware version 10.0.12 supported browsing.
Note: CompactLogix 5370 supported work with symbol addresses, browsing as well as optimization of work in symbolic mode using Symbol Instance ID.


  • Ver. 1.0 - November 28, 2018 - Creating of the document.
  • Ver. 1.1 - January 2, 2019 - Improved browsing, testing with 1769 CompactLogix 5370 Controller
  • Ver. 1.2 - September 6, 2021 - Support for encapsulated PCCC mode (read-only)

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