Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Communication line category: OPC UA Client
Host address: OPC UA server address. You may set the name according to UNC convention (e.g. "\\server" or "server", DNS names (e.g. "domain.com", "example.company.com") or IP address ("").  In the case of redundant systems, multiple names/addresses separated by commas or semicolons can be entered.
The usage of the alternative path (the second or following name/address) is signalized by the FLB flag and a combination of FLN, FLO, FLP flags in the station value.

TCP port: TCP port of OPC UA server (e.g. 4840).
EndpointUrl: Endpoint address (e.g. opc.tcp://localhost:4840)
Note: when using the Client Type=Secure setting, neither Host address nor TCP port is used directly. However, if the string #HOST# is used within the EndpointUrl, it will be replaced by the IP addresses/names specified in the Host address parameter. This is useful when configuring a connection to a redundant OPC server that has multiple IP addresses/names.
Encoding type: Type of encoding that is used for data exchange (currently only Binary encoding is supported).
