Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


The following example assumes, that there are defined the objects SD.BlobStruct, TB.BlobTable. Then corresponding DBManager process must be running and the database with corresponding DSN name must be correctly configured. Except the column ID and Name (defined in SD.BlobStruct), the database table BlobTable in the database must also contains the column MyFile of BLOB type (Binary Large OBject). Sybase database this type calls LONG BINARY, Oracle it calls BLOB and MS SQL Server calls it IMAGE.


Blok kódu

; insert a row into the database table
 _dbRow^ID := 99


Blok kódu

; -- work with no need to open the database table (DBS_ functions)

; read another file without opening the database table
 DBS_READ_BLOB TB.BlobTable, "MyFile", "C:\File22_new.txt", _retCode, 22

; save it to the database table
DBS_UPDATE_BLOB TB.BlobTable, "MyFile", "C:\File22_new.txt", _retCode, 33
