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ParameterPossible ValuesParameter Meaning

Selection of Application Help Types - NoHelp, HelpFileChm, HelpWebServerConfluence, HelpWebServerHtml, HelpSharedDir, HelpLocalApplDir, HelpLocalAnyPath

Set the location of the help by type SrvApplHelpType.
Default application help page. It is entered in the form: "html\main_page.htm" (mandatory form for type HelpFileChm). F for html helps "main_page" is enough..
SrvD2000HelpTypeHelpWebIPSSelection of help types for D2000 - HelpWebIPS, HelpWebServerHtml, HelpSharedDir, HelpLocalD2000Dir, HelpLocalAnyPath
SrvD2000HelpPathhttps://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCVSet the location of the help by type SrvD2000HelpType.


Key WordMeaningSrvD2000HelpPath - Help location settings
HelpWebIPSIpesoft webserver (Confluence). Current help available on the website of Ipesoft Ltd. It is continuously updated.

The path is defined by the text "https://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCV" and cannot be changed. The following is added to the final destination path as follows: the D2000 version is added to the path, e.g.: 11 and the help language e.g.: SK.

Example of final location: https://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCV22SK/


Web server (HTML). Help is available through some websites.

The path leads to an Internet address. It must be entered.

E.g.: https://MyPages/help

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of the final location: https://MyPages/help/SK/label/


Shared directory (HTML). Help directory located on a network drive common to multiple D2000 consoles that have access to it.

The path points to any location on the network drive. It must be entered.

E.g.: S:\D2000_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: S:\D2000_HELP\SK\label\...

HelpLocalD2000DirHELP installation directory D2000 (HTML)

The path points to the location referenced by the D2000 installation and cannot be changed.

E.g.: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_EXE\HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of the final location: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_EXE\HELP\SK\label\...


Local Directory (HTML). A help directory located on a local or network drive that can be accessed by the D2000 console.

The path points to any location on the local disk. It must be entered.

E.g.: C:\D2000_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: C:\D2000_HELP\SK\label\...


KeywordMeaningSrvApplHelpPath - Help location settings
NoHelpWithout helpNot specified

HELP application directory (CHM). It uses chm files as help.

The path points to the location referenced by the D2000 application and cannot be changed.

E.g.: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_APP\Demo\HELP.


Web server (Confluence). Help available through any website created in Confluence

The path leads to an Internet address. It must be entered. The physical location is ultimately required to comply with Confluence rules


Web server (HTML). Help is available through some websites.

The path leads to an Internet address. It must be entered.

E.g.: https://MyPages/help

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of the final location: https://MyPages/help/SK/label/


Shared directory (HTML). Help directory located on a network drive common to multiple D2000 consoles that have access to it.

The path points to any location on the network drive. It must be entered.

E.g.: S:\MY_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: S:\MY_HELP\SK\label\ ...

HelpLocalApplDirHELP application directory (HTML)

The path points to the location referenced by the D2000 application and cannot be changed.

E.g.: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_APP\Demo\HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, eg: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_APP\Demo\HELP\SK\label\......

HelpLocalAnyPathLocal Directory (HTML) A help directory located on a local or network drive that can be accessed by the D2000 console.

The path points to any location on the local disk. It must be entered.

E.g.: C:\MY_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final placement: C:\MY_HELP\SK\label\...
