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Communication was tested with a both virtual and physical B&R PLC with PVI versions:

  • Automation Net PVI V4.0
  • Automation Net PVI V4.2
  • Automation Net PVI V4.3
  • Automation Net PVI V4.7

Hierarchy of PVI objects


The following global line protocol parameters can be configured for the "B&R PVI Interface" protocol:

ParameterMeaningUnitDefault value
--- PVI Parameters ---

Communication timeout

Parameter for the PviXInitialize function (PVI interface initialization).
Communication timeout for the client/server communication in seconds The value specified with this parameter serves as the default setting of the initialization parameter COMT. If no particular presetting is desired, the default value 0 should be entered.


Retry time

Parameter for the PviXInitialize function (PVI interface initialization).
Retry time for PVICOM user messages in seconds. The value specified with this parameter serves as the default setting of the initialization parameter RETR. If no particular presetting is desired, the default value 0 should be entered.

Initialization parameter string

Parameter for the PviXInitialize function (PVI interface initialization).
String with initialization parameters. According to the PVI documentation, the following parameters are supported:

COMTCommunication timeout for the client/server (application/PVI Manager) communication in seconds
The timeout also defines the time for the life sign monitor. An additional period is needed to detect a disruption in the client/server connection. To determine the total time where a communication disruption would be detected (at the latest), the timeout value specified here has to be doubled. If the timeout is 5, then an interruption in the connection can be detected as early as 5 seconds and as late as 10 seconds. Connection interrupts are not recognized as such by the PVICOM interface if they occur within the timeout period. Data transfer simply continues once the connection is reestablished. Often used values are 3 - 10 seconds for local communication and 5 - 30 seconds for remote communication.
Value: 1 - 3600, = 0 ... Default value of 30 s used.
The value specified in the function argument "Timeout" serves as a presetting for this parameter.
RETRRetry time for PVICOM user messages is seconds.
The default setting ("RetryTime=0") should normally be used for this parameter. See the User Message Operations section for more information about this parameter.
Value: 1 - 3600, <= 0 ... no repetition.
The value specified in the function argument "RetryTime" serves as a presetting for this parameter.
LMLimit on user messages. Default: "LM=1".
PVICOM applications basically do not need to change the default setting of this parameter. However, if an application is able to respond quickly to PVICOM user messages, then a higher limit value ("LM=100", "LM=500") can speed up user message execution. See the User Message Operations section for more information about this parameter.
Value: 1 - 65535, <= 0 -> No limiting.
PTProcess timeout in seconds. Default: "PT=0".
This timeout can be used to monitor the time between requests and responses. This parameter is only intended for PVICOM applications that carry out particular tasks. Standard applications do not need to be monitored and should use the default setting (no timeout monitoring).
Value: 1 - 3600, <=0 -> No timeout monitoring
IPTCP/IP address or hostname.
If the IP initialization parameter is specified, then the Remote communication type is used for PVICOM communication. Either the TCP/IP address (e.g. "IP=") or the hostname ("IP=SystemPC1") of the server (PVI Manager) is specified with this parameter. If the hostname is given, then the IP address assigned to the name is determined by the system
PNTCP/IP port number. Default: "PN=20000".
This parameter is only required in conjunction with the IP parameter. The port number assigned to the PVI Manager needs to be specified here (PVI Manager Properties).
Value: 1024 - 32767.

Auto-Start (only for the local communication type).
1 ... PVI Manager is started (default).
0 ... PVI Manager is not started automatically and must be started already when the function is called.
More information about the startup procedure can be found in the PVI Manager section.


Line object definition

ObjectDescriptor parameter for the PviXCreate function when creating a Line object.
The parameter specifies the line description. The default value CD=LnIna2 creates an INA2000 line, which is used for communication with B&R SG3, SGC, and SG4 controllers via INA2000 protocol (Industrial Network Architecture).


Device object definition

ObjectDescriptor parameter for the PviXCreate function when creating a Device object.
The parameter gives a description of the device. The default value CD="/IF=tcpip /SA=1" creates a connection using TCP/ IP (UDP), the source address (the D2000 KOM address) will be 1. The PVI documentation describes the parameters for individual device types (Serial, Ethernet UDP, Modem, CAN device, Profibus FDL device).
--- Other Parameters ---

Browse tasks

The parameter affects the scope of browsing used to configure the I/O tags.
If the parameter is set to YES, when browsing the I/O tag, global variables, all Task variables defined within the CPU, as well as all local variables defined in all tasks will be searched. If the parameter is set to NO, the global variables and local variables of the task defined by the Task object definition protocol parameter are searched.
Note: this feature is disabled

for two reasons. First, for reasons not yet identified, the use of this functionality will cause the D2000 KOM process to crash after several browsing refreshes. Second

because, on a station, it only makes sense to configure global variables and local variables of the task defined by the Task object definition protocol parameter. Local variables of other tasks will not work.







Cleanup commandThis parameter allows the batch file to be started at the (

Inactivity timeout

If the value of the parameter is non-zero, then within the periodic reading of values within the station, it is checked whether any value was received by any station on the line during the last "Inactivity timeout" seconds. If not, the connection to the PVI Manager will be disconnected and re-established.
Note: this parameter can be used to speed up the detection of communication problems. If the values of the I/O tags change infrequently, we recommend creating an output I/O tag to which the value will be written every few seconds.


Cleanup command

This parameter allows the batch file to be started at the (re)start of communication. This batch file can e.g. restart the PVI Manager process (PviMan.exe) - e.g. using the pskill.exe utility or using the Windows utility "sc" if PVI Manager is running as a service. Restarting helps if, for example, the PVI Manager

stays in the "Locked" state.
The symbolic constant #APPDIR# may be used in the command name, which will be substituted by the application directory name, e.g. #APPDIR#cleanup.bat

stays in the "Locked" state.
The symbolic constant #APPDIR# may be used in the command name, which will be substituted by the application directory name, e.g. #APPDIR#cleanup.bat


Cleanup timeout

The time limit in seconds for the batch file specified by the Cleanup command parameter to finish execution. After this time elapses, the command will be terminated.


Post create delay

Delay after creating each object. This parameter is used to slow down the start of communication for debugging and diagnostics.


Asynchronous write/create

The parameter determines the method of communication with the PVI Manager when creating objects and writing values. The asynchronous method is recommended, the synchronous method is implemented only for debugging and diagnostics. In addition, the synchronous mode of operation is not supported by the PVI Manager from several threads, so it can only be used with a single B&R line.

-- KotvactoctoCleanup timeout

The time limit in seconds for the batch file specified by the Cleanup command parameter to finish execution. After this time elapses, the command will be terminated.


Value Debug

Logging of values being read and written, together with names of /O tags.


Full Debug

Logging of additional debug information about communication.YES/NONO

Station configuration



Connection description

EVDefinition of the enable mask for events. Default: "EV=ed".
  • "e": Change in error state
  • "d": Change in data
  • "f": Change in data format
  • "c": Change in the connection description
  • "p": Progress information about active requests
  • "s": Status changes
  • 'u': Change in the user tag string
  • 'l': Special line events
Example: "EV=edfc"
If no events should be enabled, then specify "EV=".
ATObject attributes. Default: "AT=rw"
  • "r": Allows read access
  • "w": Allows write access
  • "e": PLC event operation
  • "h": Immediate write echo if access type POBJ_ACC_DATA
  • "d": Direct event trigger for the POBJ_EVENT_DATA event
RFRefresh rate in ms. Default: "RF=1000".
  • =-1: Cyclic data refresh is turned off
  • = 0: Data refresh is only carried out once
  • > 0: Cyclic data refresh is carried out with the specified refresh rate
VTVariable type (Data format description). Default in the process object: "VT=i32"
  • "i8", "i16", "i32", "i64": 8 to 64-bit signed integer
  • "u8", "u16", "u32", "u64": 8 to 64-bit unsigned integer
  • "f32", "f64": 32/64-bit floating point
  • "boolean": Flag with element length of 1 byte
  • "string": String with 8-bit character size
  • "wstring": String with 16-bit character size
  • "struct": Structure
  • "time": 32-bit time in ms since midnight
  • "dt": 32-bit date and time in seconds since 1/1/1968
  • "date": 32-bit date,
  • "tod". 32-bit time of day,
  • "datedata": General variable type with 1-byte element length
VLVariable length in bytes (data format description). This parameter can only be specified together with the VT parameter.
For single variables, the variable length corresponds to the process data length. For array variables, the variable length is defined as the element length. This parameter does not need to be specified when used in conjunction with variable types which have a fixed variable length (e.g. VT=i32 always has a variable length of 4 bytes).
VNThe number of elements in array variables (data format description). Default: VN=1. This parameter can only be specified together with the VT parameter.

Optional additional specification of the variable type (Data format description). This parameter can only be specified together with the VT parameter.

The VS parameter provides additional information about the variable type (VT parameter), and does not affect how data is handled (data functions, type changes, etc.) in PVI. Each additional specification consists of one or more specification IDs ('a' - 'z'). The individual specification IDs are separated by semicolons (';'). The following additional specifications are currently defined: 'a' ... array variable, 'b' ... bit string, 'e' ... enumeration, 'v' ... derived data type.

ALStructure alignment. Default: "AL=1".
This parameter only takes effect in connection with variable type "VT=struct". Alignment values 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 can be defined.
CMMode for type casting (cast mode). Default: "CM=0".
The mode is defined as a bit list and controls type casting between link and process objects.
  • Bit 0: String variable for PG2000 or AS 1.3
  • Bit 1: String contents are interpreted as a decimal number
  • Bit 2: Value range is monitored
  • Bit 3: Rounding takes place when casting type from a float to an integer
  • Bit 4: Strings are always terminated with 0 (null).
VAVariable addressing. Default: No variable addressing
Using variable addressing, link objects can address subsets from the process data of a variable object.
DVThe default value for single variables (process data).
This parameter can be used to assign a default data value to process variable objects of type Integer, Floating Point, Boolean, or String. If this parameter is specified, then a data format also has to be defined in the object description. This default value is only written to the process image but is not transferred to the PLC.
Examples: DV=123,  DV=2.561e10,  DV="string format"
HYAssigned event hysteresis. Default: No hysteresis
Definition of event hysteresis for single variables or array variables of type Integer or Floating Point. Event hysteresis is specified as a hysteresis value.
Examples: HY=10, HY=2.5
FSAssigned data function. Default: No function
Definition of a data function for single variables or array variables of type Integer or Floating Point. The data function is specified as a function description.
UTA user tag. With user tags, PVI applications can assign a private user code or specific user data to a process object (module, task, or variable object) in the form of a string. User tags are only managed by PVI, not evaluated.


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 PVI Base system - B&R documentation


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Changes and modifications
