Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Communication line category: TCP/IP-UDP (FINS/UDP protocol ) or  TCP/IP-TCP (FINS/TCP protocol).
  • TCP/IP-UDP parameters:
    • Host: IP address or of the network interface that is used for communication by the KOM process. A symbolic name that can be translated to an IP address can be entered too.
      Note: a symbolic name ALL or can be entered - in which case all available interfaces are used.
    • Port: UDP port number that is used for communication by the KOM process (according to standard 9600).
    • Note: The parameters of the backup server (Host and Port) are not used in this protocol.
  • TCP/IP-TCP parameters:
    • As the Host, Port, and Line Number parameters are not used (PLC address is configured on the station), arbitrary values can be specified.



You can read a blog about the Omron FINS protocol

Changes and modifications
