Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Tabs contains the vector formulas that were used when debugging connected calculations. Vector formula occurs in tabs automatically after aborting the calculation - tabs contain all vectors that are in the current call stack. Users may manually close (hide) the tab with the vector formula and then open it again (via the list of vectors).Tabs show the name and version of the vector and indicate its status (3 options):

  • Grey circle – vector, at the time of aborting calculation, does not occur in the call stack.
  • Green circle – vector, at the time of aborting calculation, occurs in the current call stack.
  • Red circle – vector, at the time of aborting calculation, occurs in the current call stack and contains a command that will be executed.

TabsImage Removed

Tab with vector formula

Vector formulaImage Removed

It contains:

  • Optional row numbering
  • Breakpoints – red circles
  • Mark for aborting the execution of calculation – green arrow
  • Vector formula with syntax highlighting:
    • key words and functions – turquoise color,
    • local variable – yellow color,
    • delimiters – white color.
  • Description of variable and its value (for one-element variables) with the cursor.

Popup menu that occurs over formula enables:

  • to add a selected local variable into the list of watched variables of vector,
  • to hide tabs of vector – watching variables and breakpoints stays activated. Tabs may be displayed again via the list of vectors.


Image Added

Info tabs



The tab contains a list of messages from the static analysis and from the syntax check (set via %HI_SetDebuggerResult)


The tab contains



The tab contains the messages that were generated during the calculation. Users may write some notes in the tab and delete the selected texts.



The tab that contains the values of watched local variables of selected vector. The sign +/- collapses/expands the vector variables.
Variables tabImage Removeda list of lines that contain a comment beginning with the text TODO or FIXME.


Tab of the values ​​of monitored local variables of the selected vector.

 Image Added
It is filled from the list of local variables via the command line or popup menu that appears over the selected variable in the window with the vector formula.
Watched local variablesImage Removed
Variables, the values of which are already watched, are differentiated by color (turquoise color). Selecting the variable of Array type, the user may enter a range of values that will be watched:
Range of local variableImage Removed
Selection may be defined by range and name. To display the items to the last one, enter the zero at the end of the range, e.g. 3,11-14,18,25-0.
The monitored variable/group of variables can be removed from the list with the help of a popup menu. The value can be changed directly in the list of watched variables.
A Popup menu that appears over the list of variables enables to:

  • remove selected variable/group of variables,
  • remove all variables,
  • define new values for variables,
  • delete the change of the value of selected variables.


The tab displays all breakpoints placed in the current vector formula.

Call stack
