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The process D2000 Application manager (d2smc.exe) provides the complex management not only of applications, but also other system facilities. User A user who wants to work with the process must be logged on to the operating system with the with administrator access rights.


If the D2000 Application Manager is used via Remote Desktop, it should be used for the purpose of administration (mstsc.exe /admin).

User A user who has no special access rights, set in operating system Windows, can perform only limited activities which relate to process D2000 Application Manager.


The process D2000 Application Manager is a client process of D2000 system, that allows:

  • database servers management
  • D2000 system application management
  • showing the overview of the installation licence license options
  • management of interactive consoles connected to D2000 Server
  • management of client's logon to D2000 Server
  • management of running application's processes (starting, stopping processes, sending commands)

titleRelated pages:

System processes
