Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Event - category of system events,
  • Log - [Yes/No] - enables/disables logging of particular event category into the log database,
  • History depth [days] - [0-3650] - writing period of event into the log database (in days). Configuration of history depth in D2000 version V21.1 R73 is moved into corresponding objects of type Data purpose.
    Note: The deletion time of the logged event is determined at the time of its creation based on the configuration of the corresponding Data purpose object. Change of Data purpose object configuration does not affect existing logged events (every log contains the deletion time).
  • Use device - [Yes/No] - enables/disables event logging to the output device,
  • Device - the name of an output device. The output device is the type of device, where logged data will be written. There are these types of output devices:
    • PRN, LPT1, LPT2 - output to a specified printer,
    • FileName.Ext - saving to a text file of a given name. From Starting with the V21.1 version, it is possible to use Windows environment variables. Usage example: "% userprofile%\Monitoring\logon.txt". When writing to a file, the existence of directories is checked and the missing directory is created. Here, for In the example above, the "Monitoring" directory. The file size is controlled by the maxMax_logLog_size Size parameter that is described in the the Special Settings chapter. 
