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MICROTEL 700 communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
Alternative communication path
I/O tag configuration
Redundant system
Errors and problems
Detail implementation Details of the protocol implementation
Tell commands
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions


  • Category of communication line: Serial, SerialOverUDP Device Redundant, RFC2217 Client, TCP/IP-UDP
  • Parameters of the serial line according to the setting of telemetry the telemetric system.
  • UDP Parameters:
    • The parameters of a primary server or a secondary one (or parameters of primary/secondary network interface in case of a server with multiple network interfaces) one are mandatory.
    • Host: string max. 80 characters – a server name in the INET form (the name or numerical address a.b.c.d).
    • Port: UDP port number (1 to 65535).

Global parameters:

Key wordKeywordFull nameDescriptionUnit / sizeSizeDefault value
ScanPermanent passive mode (Scan only) only for data reading (mode 2).YES/NONO
Moxa TimeoutSetting The setting of timeout for change to other a backup communication device on SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line. If the valid data are not received from the communication device till within the timeout, the other device is used (backup or primary, if it is configured).20sec


  • Communication protocol: Microtel 700.
  • Station The station address is a number within the range 1 to 253. Do not use the addresses 0, 254, and 255. They are filtered because they often occur at the beginning of response (error in transmission system).


Parameters of station protocol

Dialog window of of station configuration - tab the "Protocol parameters" tab.

Table 1

Key wordKeywordFull nameDescriptionUnit / sizeDefault value
Retry CountNumber of retry calls when The number of request retries when an error in communication occurs.-2
Retry TimeoutDelay between retry call between request retries if a communication error occurs.ms500 millisec.
Wait First TimeoutThe first waiting for a response after sending a callrequest.ms300 millisec.
Wait TimeoutDelay between the individual readings of a response until it is completed.ms200 millisec.
Max Wait RetryNumber The number of retry response reading readings until it the response is completed.-20
Module CountMaximum The maximum number of modules that are required read in one callrequest. The value must be in the range of 1 to 5. If not, the default value is used.-5
Inversed ModulesAn analyze analysis of sectors that have been changed (the COS function COS - CHANGE OF STATE) is done in inverse order, that is:

bit 0 LSB - modules 0..7,
bit 1 - modules 8..15, ...
bit 7 MSB - modules 56..63.

Alternative Path Host(s) 1, 2The configuration of the so-called alternative communication path.
It is an IP address, hostname, or several IP addresses/hosts separated by commas or semicolonsemicolons. The total number of alternate communication paths entered under these parameters is 12.
Empty An empty value means than that an alternative path is not used.

Alternative Path Port 1,2UDP ports port(s) to which data will be sent when using the alternative communication path.
Alternative Path Retry CountNumber of retry call The number of request retries if the alternative communication path is used.-2
Alternative Path Use TimeoutAfter the elapse of the defined time since the start of using an alternative communication path, the viability of communication through the standard path is tested again according to the communication line configuration.
Value 0 turns off the testing (communication uses an alternative path while it works).
Note: The parameter value also changes the order of trying the alternative communication paths in case of their malfunction. If the value is nonzero, the standard communication path is always tried after an alternate communication path. If the value is zero, then all alternative communication paths are tried first and only then the standard communication path.


With help of protocol parameters, you can configure a so-called alternative communication path for the particular station (only for SerialOverUDP Device Redundant and TCP/IP-UDP lines). If the communication via the standard path elapsesfails, the throughput availability of communication via the alternative path (when configured) is tested. The communication via the alternative path runs through TCP uses UDP form packets that is identical with that are identical to packets used in SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line. The usage of the alternative path is signalized by the FLB flag and a combination of FLN, FLO, FLP flags in the station value.

I/O tag configuration


The I/O tags of Ci and Co type are not used for a usual operation but only for a servicingservice purposes. They display and record the values of modules in a raw form without the conversion to a physical value. The values of modules are 16-bit, thus a numerical in the range of 0 to 65535.


  • All types of values require the setting of the basic address, the so-called module, which is the number in the range of 0 to 63.
  • Set the bit number in the range of 0 to 15 for Di, Do, and 0 to 14 for Qi.
  • For Ai and Ao type values - insert data for conversion of a raw form to the physical value, so-called "RTU table index", and minimum/maximum of physical value. RTU table index defines the range of raw values which is used in the next recalculation (see Table 2). 


The conversion of Ai inputs from the raw values "Raw_Value" to the physical value (FyzikalPhysical_VALUE) is done according to this formula:

Scale = (FyzikalPhysical_MAX - FyzikalPhysical_MIN) / (RTU_MAX - RTU_MIN)

Offset = ((FyzikalPhysical_MIN * RTU_MAX) - (FyzikalPhysical_MAX * RTU_MIN)) / (RTU_MAX - RTU_MIN)

FyzikalPhysical_VALUE = (Raw_Value * Scale) + Offset

The conversion of Ao outputs from the physical value to the raw one is done by the inverse function:

Raw_Value = (FyzikalPhysical_VALUE - Offset) / Scale

The calculation of value "Scale" is modified to 0 (zero) so the recorded value is 0. This situation occurs if a user configures the physical minimum the same as the maximum.

I/O tags of Qi type may use a special setting for the conversion of a 2-bit input value to the a required status onevalue. The implicit conversion is stated in Table 3.


This protocol supports two modes of activity:

  1. The connection to the "hot" server (HS). The protocol executes the active communication by sending the request for data according to configuration. 
  2. Kotva
    The connection to the "stand-bystandby" server (SBS). The protocol just reads and analyzes the received data. To get the line and all the station stations to this status at any time, you can use activate the SCAN protocol parameter SCAN in the configuration of at least one station.

The change from SBS -> SS is done with a transient phase. It means that data are read during one minute to detect an inactivity on the communication line and whether the previous D2000 KOM, connected to the HS server, has changed to mode 2 (SBS).

Errors and problems


The error messages, mentioned below, may occur during the start startup or during communication. It is recommended to activate the monitoring of communication in the configuration of line lines for easier identification of problemproblems. You can choose it from these levels:


When you set "Monitor & Disk" or "Disk", the file "line_name.LOG" occurs file will be created in the Trace subdirectory "\TRACE" in the application directory on the computer with the running communication process. This file contains all the debug and error messages.

Error:>MTEL700 : Station address error: 'station_name' !
Description:The address of this station is not a number from the required range. Carry out the change in configuration and modify the address according to article the Communication station configuration section.
Error:>MTEL700 : Invalid min/max value, difference is zero, point: 'point_name'! 
Description:The address configuration of the I/O tag contains the identical number numbers for both physical maximum and minimum. The result of this could be a wrong conversion to a physical value.
Error:>MTEL700 : Error in address, point: 'point_name'!
Description:The address of the I/O tag contains the wrong data. Check the validity and range of all address parameters of this I/O tag.
Error:>MTEL700 : High Security Relay, St: 'station_name', Point: 'point_name', Module: module, Bit: bit, Unknown DATA2 response nr
Description:The A wrong response to the function HIGH SECURITY RELAY function, the recording of writing to Do point value. Contact Technical Support of Ipesoft.
Error:>MTEL700 : High Security Relay, St: 'station_name', Point: 'point_name', Module: module, Bit: bit, Module is faulty or missing !
Description:The A response to the function HIGH SECURITY RELAY function, the recording of writing to Do point value. The values can not be written into this module.
Error:>MTEL700 : General Purpose Output Error, St: 'station_name', Point: 'point_name', Module: module , Module is faulty or missing !
Description:The A response to the function GENERAL PURPOSE OUTPUT, the recording of  writing to Ao point value. It is impossible to write to this module.
Error:>MTEL700 : Detected zero module count in response, St: 'station_name', Addr: station_address, requested Module: module, requested MCount: module_count
Description:No modules (no valid data) have been detected in the response to the function DATA STREAMING function.
Error:>MTEL700 : Detected non identically module count in response, St: 'station_name', Addr: station_address, requested Module: module_number, requested MCount: requested_module_count, acquired MCount: acquired_module_count
Description:The module count in the response to the function DATA STREAMING function is different than it was required in the callrequest. Missing data.
Error:>MTEL700 : Cannot get understanding response, St: 'station_name', Addr: station_address, requested Module: module, requested MCount: module_count
Description:The clear legible response to the function DATA STREAMING function cannot be obtained. Received data were illegible.
Error:>MTEL700 : No response to request, St: 'station_name', Addr: station_address, requested Module: module, requested MCount: module_count
Description:No response to the function DATA STREAMING function has been received. The station does not answer.


Errors in the passive phase of communication

The D2000 KOM process connected to the SBS server could display the following error messages:

Error:>MTEL700-SCAN : Line: 'line_name', Unknown command response! Data buffer: data
Description:Unknown function - response. Data are ignored.
Error:>MTEL700-SCAN : Line: 'line_name', Unknown command request! Data buffer: data
Description:Unknown function - callrequest. Data are ignored.
Error:>MTEL700-SCAN : Line: 'line_name', Module count number too big! Data buffer: data
Description:The module count in the received message DATA STREAMING exceeded the permitted count. Data are ignored.
Error:>MTEL700-SCAN : Line: 'line_name", BCH ERROR! Data buffer: data
Description:Wrong A wrong checksum of the received message. The message is ignored.
Error:> Microtel 700 : Scan task, Line 'line_name', received valid data during scan stop timeout !
Description:During the transition phase after connecting to HS, the valid packets of Microtel 700 were received. This status may be transient and may take only several seconds. In case of any problems, contact Technical Support of Ipesoft.



Details of the protocol implementation



Supported and used functions: 


The value reading of the modules. It optimizes the reading of the configured (configured only!) adjacent modules en bloc until completing of MODULE_CNT by one datagram.

COMMAND 7 - High Security Relay



Tell command activates or deactivates the alternative path. After activating the alternate route, the main route is no longer used and will not be used even if the alternate route does not work.

STWATCHSTWATCH StationNameTell command sends commands for the reading of values of all configured I/O tag



  • January 9, 2008 - Alternative communication path.
  • September 19, 2017 - Multiple hosts can be entered in the alternative communication pathpaths, TCI/IP-UDP line is supported.


  • Ver. 1.0 - September 2, 2003 - Document created
  • Ver. 1.1 - January 9, 2008 - Document updated
  • Ver. 1.2 - September 19, 2017 - Document updated

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Communication protocols
