Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Protocol supports communication via GPIO (General Purpose I/O) interface on inputs/outputs of Raspberry PI and computers built on a RPI Compute Module. Currently supported are:

  • Raspberry PI (version 2 and 3) based on pigpio library - communication via GPIO (General Purpose I/O) pins
  • Techbase NPE - X500 M3  (DIN-mounted industrial computer built on RPI Compute Module 3 with optional industrial inputs and outputs)

The communication was tested with Raspberry PI (version 3) and NPE - X500-M3-MAX-3G.

The protocol allows For Raspberry PI, the protocol supports reading of digital inputs (instantaneous values as well as counting signal changes with an optional time filter) and setting digital outputs to a constant value or pulse-width modulation (PWM).

For NPE X500 the protocol supports reading of digital and analog inputs and status of user button and analog inputs (in case of NPE-X500 also a value of user button), writing to digital outputs (for NPE-X500 also , setting relay outputs, working with user LEDs and a buzzer.

Note: On Raspberry PI, the KOM process must be run under the root user to gain access to the GPIO. It is possible to achieve by setting the setuid bit for the kom binary. Under the user pi, you can do the following:

cd /opt/d2000/bin
sudo chown root kom
sudo chmod 4755 kom

Note: On NPE X500, the KOM process must be run under the root user to gain access to the GPIO (see the previous note for Raspberry PI). An alternative is adding user d2000 to groups and setting appropriate access rights. Under the root user, you can do the following:

sudo usermod -a -G gpio d2000

For access to serial ports also:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout d2000

In order for the d2000 user to access the LEDs and the buzzer, it is necessary to set the rights for the respective files each time the computer starts up. Create a file d2000init in the /etc/init.d directory containing:


# Provides:          script
# Required-Start:    $all
# Required-Stop: 
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:     
# Short-Description: D2000Kom
# Description:       Support for D2000 KOM (work with leds/buzzer)

DESC="Set permissions for LED/BUZZER for D2000 KOM"
chmod -R o+w /sys/class/leds/LED1
chmod -R o+w /sys/class/leds/LED2
chmod -R o+w /sys/class/leds/BUZZER

Then run:

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/d2000init
update-rc.d d2000init defaults

Communication line configuration


Full nameDescriptionUnits / sizeDefault value

Device Type

Type of device. Currently supported are::

  • Raspberry PI
  • NPE - X500

-Raspberry PI

Library Name

Name of library with communication functions for a particular device. The used values are:

  • libpigpio.so for Raspberry PI
  • libx1000gpio.so for NPE - X500

Read Delay Ms

Delay after one reading of the values of all I/O tags. Using this parameter, it is possible to control the reading frequency more finely than using the polling parameters in the configuration of time parameters of the station.




Following image copied from http://pinout.xyz shows the BCM pin numbering on the GPIO connector:Obrázok prevzatý z http://pinout.xyz zobrazuje BCM číslovanie pinov na GPIO konektore

PopisTyp boduPríklady
DescriptionI/O tag typeExamples


The GPIO pin

bude nakonfigurovaný ako digitálny vstup. Ak bude naň privedené napätie

will be configured as a digital input.If the voltage of 3.3V

, hodnota vstupu bude 1. Ak bude naň privedené napätie 0V (zem), hodnota vstupu bude 0.
Varianty DI_UP a DI_DOWN konfigurujú vnútorné

is applied to it, the value of input will be 1. If 0V (ground) voltage is applied to it, the value of input will be 0.
Variants DI_UP and DI_DOWN configure the internal pull-up resp. pull-down

rezistory, takže na vstup je cez rezistor pripojené napätie

resistors, so the voltage 3.3V (DI_UP)

alebo zem

or ground (DI_DOWN)

, takže aj bez pripojenia externého napätia je vstup v definovanom stave. Varianta DI konfiguruje pin tak, že

is connected to the input via the resistor, so even without external voltage applied the input is in a defined state.The DI variant configures the pin so that the pull-up/pull-down

odpory sú odpojené

resistors are disconnected.
Note: pigpio library supports reading from GPIO pins 0-53.

Di, Ci, AiDI,25


The GPIO pin

bude nakonfigurovaný ako digitálny výstup. Ak bude doň zapísaná hodnota 1, na výstupe bude napätie

will be configured as a digital output.If a value of 1 is written to it, the output will be 3.3V.

Ak bude doň zapísaná hodnota 0, na výstupe bude napätie 0V (zem)

If 0 is written, output voltage will be 0V (ground).
Note: pigpio library supports writing to GPIO pins 0-53.

Dout, Co, Ao



The GPIO pin will be configured as an counter of input events with an optional filter. The counter can register rising signal edges 0V → 3.3V (TOON), falling edges 3.3V → 0V (TOOFF) and any signal changes (without TOON/TOOFF).
Variants with UP/DOWNconfigure the internal pull-up resp. pull-down resistors, the same way as for DI_UP/DI_DOWN addresses.
Parameter filter is used to set a time filter (in microseconds) to filter the noise (if there is shorter time interval between two events than filter, the second event is ignored).  If not specified, all events are considered.
The value of the I/O tag is equal to the number of registered events, the maximum value being 2^31-1 i.e. 2147483647 and then the counter goes again from 0.

Note: The pigpio library uses a standard input sampling with period of 5 microseconds, i.e. with a frequency of 200 kHz.

Ci, Ai



The GPIO pin

bude nakonfigurovaný ako

will be configured as PWM (pulse width modulation)

výstup. Následne je doň možné zapisovať hodnoty 0-255 riadiace šírku impulzu od úplne vypnutého až po úplne zapnutý

output. It is then possible to write values 0-255 controlling the width of pulse from fully off to fully on.
Note: pigpio library supports PWM output for GPIO pins 0-31.

Dout, Co, AoPWM,12
Hodnota revízie hardvéru (číslo z riadku

The revision of the hardware (the number from the "Revision"

zo súboru

line from the /proc/cpuinfo

. Napr. pre RPI 3 je v tomto súbore riadok

file. For example, for RPI 3 this file contains a row
"Revision        : a02082"

a hodnota revízie (po prevode z hexadecimálneho tvaru) je 10494082

and the revision value is 10494082 (after conversion from hexadecimal system).


I/O tag addresses for NPE - X500

In the following table, id defines the number of input/output (e.g. DI, DO, AO). The number of inputs and outputs depends on the particular model. The notes are referring to the NPE - X500-M3-MAX-3G that was tested.
Note 1: Output points whose addresses contain _BUF use a buffered writing. This allows the values of such objects not only to be written, but also to be read, which can be useful, for example, after the start of the KOM process.
Note 2: With the tested model, the reading of the digital input took less than 1 ms, while the reading the analog input took approximately 20 ms.
