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It is possible to manually install D2000 OPC Server within an existing D2000 installation or to install it using an external installer.



D2000 OPC Server requires an installation installation of "OPC Core Components Redistributable", which is available onat http://www.opcfoundation.org/. 

Manual installation

The D2000 OPC Server must first be registered in Windows as an OPC server. Registration is done from the command line. The D2000 OPC Server registers by default as Ipesoft.D2000.OPCSserver.opcserver.


Removing the OPC Server is the same as the removing of any program installed in the operating system Windows.

  1. From the Start menu -> Settings select the item Control spanelpanel.
  2. Open the window Programs and features. In the list select the item Ipesoft D2000 OPC server - <server_name>) and click the button Remove.
