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External functions

External An external function is an object of the D2000 system, that allows to extend extending the standard set of functions that are comprised in the mathematical apparatus. The External function object represents an exported function in a dynamically linked library (file). When properly implemented, they allow to substitute (in some cases also simplify) system extensions implemented by the interfaces D2000 ObjApi or D2000 KomAPI.

Creation The creation of an External function consists of two steps:

  • Implementation of a function within a dynamically linked library,
  • Definition of an object of External function type.


Performing external functions takes place in the same environment as running the ESL scripts that call them. If the implementation of an external function ends with a catchable C ++ exception, this exception is caught and promoted as a runtime error to the ESL. However, some C ++ errors (e. g., NULL dereference, division 0) do not generate catchable exceptions and end up with the fallout a crash of the library and the process used by using the library (Event handler), so it is important to care thoroughly of handling handle errors when implementing external functions.
