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Supported device types and versions
Communication partners
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
TELL commands
I/O tag configuration
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions


ASDU typeI/O tag type
1 - Single-point informationDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
2 - Single-point information with time tagDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
3 - Double-point informationQi, Ai, Ci
4 - Double-point information with time tagQi, Ai, Ci
5 - Step position informationCi, Ai *
6 - Step position information with time tagCi, Ai *
7 - Bitstring of 32 bitsCi, Ai
8 - Bitstring of 32 bits with time tagCi, Ai
9 - Measured value, normalized valueAi
10 - Measured value, normalized value with time tagAi
11 - Measured value, scaled valueCi, Ai
12 - Measured value, scaled value with time tagCi, Ai
13 - Measured value, short floating-point valueAi
14 - Measured value, short floating-point value with time tagAi
15 - Integrated totalsCi, Ai
16 - Integrated totals with time tagCi, Ai
17 - Event of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR **
18 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR ***
20 - Packed single-point information with status change detectionCi, Ai
21 - Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptorAi
30 - Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2aDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
31 - Double-point information with CP56Time2a tagQi, Ai, Ci
32 - Step position information with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai *
33 - Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
34 - Measured value, normalized value with CP56Time2a tagAi
35 - Measured value, scaled value with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
36 - Measured value, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2aAi
37 - Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai
38 - Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR **
39 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
40 - Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
241 - 64-bit floating-point value (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
243 - 64-bit floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2a (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
251 - Archive data values (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all (except Qi)


ASDU typeI/O tag type
45 - Single commandDout
46 - Double commandDout
47 - Regulating step commandDout
48 - Set point command, normalised valueAo
49 - Set point command, scaled valueCo
50 - Set point command, short floating-point valueAo
51 - Bitstring of 32 bitCo
58 - Single command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
59 - Double command with time tag CP56Time2aDout, Co
60 - Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
61 - Set point command, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
62 - Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2aCo
63 - Set point command, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
64 - Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2aCo
250 - Archive data request command (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all

To set the bits of "status" byte (SCO for ASDU 45,58; DCO for ASDU 46,59; RCO for ASDU 47,60; QOS for ASDU 48..50,61..63), the flags A (0.bit), B (1.bit) .. H (7.bit) are used, except the bits, which are directly set by the variable value (SCO bit 0, DCO and RCS bits 0-1). Having received a response (positive/negative), the A .. H flags are set according to the bits of the "status" byte.

When sending commands (ASDU 45-64), the value of 6 [Activation] is sent as a CauseOfTransmission. The expected response from the controlled station depends on the Command Confirm parameter. There are the following possibilities:
- writing is successful if the packet with RSN confirming the SSN packet with the write command
- writing is finished, if there is a response with CauseOfTransmission=7 [Activation Confirmation] and/or with 10 [Activation Termination]. Success/failure depends on the setting of the P/N bit in CauseOfTransmission.


For all the stations with a defined synchronization (see the article below), an ASDU type 103 [Clock synchronisation command] with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation] is sent, and a reply (depending on the Command Confirm parameter) is expected.

Then a sequence of 0 up to N I-frames with ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] is sent, both with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation]. The I-frames are sent for each station with at least one input I/O tag (i.e. Ai, Di, Qi, Ci). As a response, there is expected (in any order):


  • I/O tag address is mapped to the Information object address, i.e. it has 3 bytes and must be within the range of 0..16777215. It can be specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #0A).
    The I/O tag with an address starting with %IGNORE will be ignored.
  • Input tags must be of particular types (Ai, Ci, Di, Qi) for received ASDU, see table 1 and also table 2 in the balanced mode.
  • For a particular type of output tag (Ao, Dout, Co), it is necessary to set an ASDU type, that has to be used, see table 2.
  • Archive for providing historical values: if the client asks for historical values through ASDU 250, the server sends:
    1. the values of the historical value specified by this input entry field,
    2. if the input entry field is not filled, then the values of the historical value that archives the I/O tag,
    3. if the specified historical value does not exist, then the values of the I/O tag that archives the control object of the specified I/O tag,
    4. if the control object does not exist (or the archive is not available), the server returns an error.
    Specification of a historical value allows configuring e.g. sending 10-minutes averages instead of sending all changes of given I/O tag.
