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Internal nameValueDescription
Error codes during work with system objects
OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS1Object The object already exists.
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND2Object The object does not exist.
INVALID_ACCESS3Insufficient access rights.
SHARED_ACCESS_ERROR4Access error when trying to edit (object is being edited by other userusers).
OBJECT_NOT_OPENED5Object The object is not open.
OBJECT_IS_USED6Object The object is used (when trying to delete it).
INVALID_NAME7Invalid object name.
FATAL_ERROR8Fatal error.
OBJECT_IS_READ_ONLY9Object The object is read-only (when trying to edit or delete it).
OBJECT_HAS_CHILDREN10Object The object has children (when trying to delete it).
SAVE_REFERENCES_ERROR11Incorrect object references.
LICENCE_LIMIT_OVERRUN46Licence License limit overrun (when trying to create a new object).
Error codes for an output control
MANUAL_CTRL_DISABLED12Manual control disabled (when trying to set a value manually).
BAD_COMMAND13Bad command.
COMMAND_NOT_ACCEPTED14Illegal command.
PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING15Process The process for execution of the command execution is not running.
Error codes for configuration of the topology
CREATE_NEW_ERROR16Error during the creation of a new object of Topology type.
BAD_PARENT17Object The object has another parent.
NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS18Object with the given name already exists - it is of other another type.
BAD_CONNECT19Inappropriate control object for the topological node of Terminal type.
Error codes for the user's logins
USER_INVALID_ACCESS20Invalid access rights.
LOGON_WRONG_PASSWORD21Incorrect password. (version <= 12.2.65)
LOGON_NAME_ERROR22Incorrect login name. (version <= 12.2.65)
PASSWORD_EXPIR_TIME23Password validity has expired.
USER_IS_DISABLED24User login is disabled.
USER_EXPIR_TIME25Validity The validity of the user's account has expired.
LOGON_NAME_PASSWORD_ERROR54Incorrect name or password. (version >= 12.2.67)
Error codes for a database backup
DATABASE_NOT_VALID26Database not valid.
BACKUP_FAILED27Backup failed.
OTHER_ERROR28Other error.
PATH_NOT_COMPLETE29Path not complete.
Error codes for access to the database ( D2000 Archiv, D2000 DBManager, D2000 Server)
Error codes for connection to a processes
INVALID_VERSION30Incorrect version.
PROCESS_RUN_DISABLED31Cannot start the process.
PROCESS_LICENCE_DISABLED32Cannot start the process - insufficient licencelicense.
PROCESS_TCPIP_DENIED33Cannot start the process - IP address is denied.
Error codes of process D2000 the D2000 DBManager process
PAGE_ERROR35Page error (in case of page access to the database).
EDIT_DISABLED36Editing disabled (when trying to write to a read-only table).
DBM_SEQUENCE_ERROR37DBManager sequence error (invalid object identifier, non-existing transaction, ...)
DATABASE_OPEN_ERROR38Open database error.
BAD_CONDITION39Bad conditions.
48Too many rows in selection (more than specified by the parameter Maximum returned rows in the configuration of the object of Database type).
DBM_CONNECTION_BROKEN_ERROR49Connection with the database has been interrupted.
DBM_MAX_CONNECTIONS50Maximum The maximum number of connection connections to the database has been reached (the parameter Maximum connections in the configuration of the object of Database type), a new connection has not been created.
STRUCT_CHANGE51Change of object of Structure definition type in runtime (rows loaded from the database do not correspond to the changed object of Structure definition type and are not to be sent to process D2000 the D2000 Server process).
52Access denied: the object of Database type is set to OFF (the parameter Off in the configuration of the object)
Error codes of process D2000 the D2000 Archiv process
LOAD_TREZOR_ERROR40Error in loading depository database.
CREATE_WRT_FILE_ERROR41Create a WRT file error when importing the Sybase depository database.
OPEN_TREZOR_ERROR42Error in opening depository database.
CREATE_STATISTICS_ERROR43Error in creating statistics file for the archive.
Error codes of Tell commands for process the D2000 KOM process
DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_ERROR44Duplicate address (when changing the address of I/O tag by using the Tell command SETPTADDR)
POINT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR45I/O tag not found (for Tell command SETPTADDR).
Error codes of process D2000 the D2000 Application Manager process
INVALID_DB_PASSWORD47Invalid password for access to the configuration database.

Note: the error codes returned by the D2000 DBManager process when calling the %GetLastExtErrorCode function are described here.