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The addresses are spread within the network by means of MULTICASTS, when querying on the RDG state. Queries are used by individual application servers inserted into the RDG as well as by clients connected to the RDG when using the parameter /RD.

Coordination and exchange of information between RDS members takes place according to the UseIPMulticast parameter described in the Special settings chapter. Based on the setting, the following will be used:

a) IP MULTICAST, for operation in a network infrastructure where the IP multicast service is available. This limits the set of computers that can host RDS members. 


b) IP UNICAST, for operation in a network infrastructure where the IP multicast service is not available. Members of a redundant group need to have a table filled in with the IP addresses of all other members of the redundant group. The location and format of the table is described in the chapter Configuration and Connection of Client.

Multicast and unicast are UDP packets with dynamic source port and destination port 3119.

By default, multicasts are propagated within one network segment (to the nearest router). Forwarding multicasts to other network segments requires configuration on the router side.

Unicasts are useful if D2000 Servers are located on different network segments. It is necessary to enable the transfer of UDP packets on all firewalls between D2000 Servers (including Windows Firewall).

titleRelated pages:

Application in redundant system
Location of configuration parameters
Temporal server states and RD_TIMEOUT parameters
Synchronization of configuration databases
