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idInstanceUnique identifier of instance. It may be get by calling the %GetEventInstanceId(). 
ID (HOBJ)If the object was opened multiply (OPEN script action or OPENEVENT), the column contains its dynamic HOBJ. This is a return value of %GetSelfHBJ(@FALSE).  
NAMEName of object.
Kernel instance IDTrue number of instance. Value is 0 (zero), if the object is not opened multiply. If it has been opened as instance, in this column there is listed its real instance. This is the return value of function %GetSelfInstanceId(@TRUE).
Logical instance IDRequired number of instance. The value is 0 (zero), if the object is not opened multiply. If it has been opened as instance, in this column there is listed its required instance. This is the return value of function %GetSelfInstanceId(@FALSE).
Modify time stampTime stamp from the configuration of object.
Start TimeCreation time of instance (start of script).
Current LineCurrently executed line.
CNT count(+) Number of created data containers.
CNT dataSize(+) Memory size which is occupied by data from containers.
Local vars data size(+) Memory size which is occupied by all local variables (they size may be found in the ESL Diagnostic Pack - Instance).
DB Connects count(+) Number of database connections that are created by DB_CONNECT, PG_CONNECT and SQL_CONNECT.
DB Transactions count(+) Number of database transactions opened by DB_TRANS_OPEN.
Files count(+) Number of files opened or created by %FIO_* script action.
Object lists count(+) Number of opened by LST_CREATE.
StatusCurrent script status (status ES_WAIT_EXTERNAL_RQ means the passive waiting).
Physical process, DODM processName of objects of Process type (with suffix EVH, HIS, SEE, SES), which contains the given instance.
Queue LengthFor object of SERVEREVENT or CLIENTANDSERVEREVENT type (this includes also a picture), the value means the number of requests (e.g. calls of RPC procedures, changes watched by ON CHANGE, ...) in a queue. For the event of TRIGGEREVENT type and the permission of request queue for start, the value means the number of requests for start.
XML Docs count

(+) Number of

opened XML documents.

handles to XML objects.

The value is the number of handles to XML objects that have been published to the ESL environment.
XML objects can be entire XML documents, or a list of Child's, or just one element.
Therefore, the value can be greater than the number of open XML Documents.

DBS objects count(+) Number of database objects with which data were exchanged (read/write).
D2000 HIName of D2000 HI if DODM process is used for interpretation of ESL scripts opened in the appropriate HIP process.


After right-click on the data container, the context-menu is opened. After clicking the Click "Watch" menu item, ...to open Container object inspector.

Description of columns: 

HandleUnique identifier of data container. The value is the same as value returned by CNT_CREATE.
userIdentValue of string, defined by a user, within CNT_DEBUG.
Current ItemsCurrent items in the container.
Maximal ItemsMaximum items in the container (it may be reset by the option Reset counters).
Current SizeContainer size in Bytes.
In Array modeFlag that indicates the existence of internal array (see CNT_CNVTOARRAY script action).
Created by CNT_CREATEDescribed the way of creation of container. TRUE – CNT_CREATE script action. FALSE – GETARCHARR_TO_CNT script action.
