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  • Tento riadok sa pridal
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  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


POST http://localhost/smartWeb/api/rest/v0/d2/rpc/E.E.SmartWebApiTutorial/TestInOut

Blok kódu
titlePríklad volania RPC metódymethod call example
    "type": "bool",
    "value": "vTrue",
    "returnAs": "boolParam" // the output value will be named boolParam
    "type": "real",
    "value": 10.9,
    "returnAs": "realParam", // the output value will be named realParam
    "returnFields": ["ValueTime", "Status"] // attributes ValueTime and Status are required to the output value too
    "type": "time",
    "returnAs": "timeParam" // the output value will be named timeParam
  "hello D2000"


The output of the RCP calling is in the JSON object which has attributes according to the required names of output parameters:

Blok kódu
titleVýstup volania RPC metódymethod call output
  "realParam": {
    "type": "real",
    "value": 5.45,
    "status": [
    "valueTime": 1498213794522
  "boolParam": {
    "type": "bool",
    "value": "vFalse"
  "timeParam": {
    "type": "time",
    "value": 1498213794012
