Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.

An important graphic object is a text. Using such a graphic object allows to insert a inserting text descriptions, explanations, comments etc. into a picture. One of the most important task tasks of text strings is displaying of the current (live) values of the D2000 system objects. The format of such strings is special - for detailed information see the topic Format masks.

To insert


text into a picture

    1. In the Drawing toolbar, click the button Button Text Text.
    2. Write the required text into the input edit field opened on the screen.


The input edit field contains a the text entered during creating the creation of the graphic object. It is possible to change it.


Selection of a text color. Clicking the color sample opens the color palette. Clicking a color in the palette sets the color as the color for the text


Clicking the button Font opens the dialog box containing a list of defined text fonts. A font, selected from the list will be used for the ext next object. The right side of the dialog box contains a list of defined text fonts and the left side contains the a sample of selected text font. For more information on text fonts see the topic Text fonts.

Selection dialog window


Definition of a type for placing the text into the picture.

Button Cursor positionImage Modified
The text is placed into the graphic picture on the mouse cursor position.
Button FrameImage Modified
The text is placed in a created rectangle and keeps its proportions according to the definition of the text font.
The position of the text in the rectangle is defined using the red square in the rectangle Image Modified - nine options.
Button AutoFit to windowImage Modified
The text is placed in a created rectangle to fill the whole area and doesn't keep its proportions according to the definition of the text font.


For the types Button Frame (in a rectangle) and Button AutoFit to window (in all rectangle), it is possible to define a method of drawing the rectangle - frame outlining the given text.

Button No frameImage Modified
The frame, outlining the text, will not be drawn.
Button FrameImage Modified
There will be drawn a frame line only. Parameters of the frame line (color, style, width, line join) can be defined in the tab Lines.
Button Frame and backgroundImage Modified
There will be drawn a frame line and a frame fill. Parameters of the frame line (color, style, width, line join) and frame fill (fill, pattern) can be defined in the tab Lines.


Definition of a direction for drawing the text.

Button Left to rightImage Modified
Text is drawn left to right.
Button UpwardImage Modified
Text is drawn bottom-up.
Button DownwardImage Modified
Text is drawn top-down


The dropdown box is placed in the corner right bottom of the tab. Selection of a text effect. The following figures show the usage of the effects.

NormalNormal - no effect
Background effectImage Modified
Back - text with a background
Shadow effectImage Modified
Shade - shadow effect
Space effectImage Modified
Space - space effect
Space effect 2Image Modified
Space 2 - space effect 2
3D effectImage Modified
3D - 3D effect

Note: The effect Background will be drawn the rectangle of defined text in a color defined in the parameter 2nd color. This color will be also used during displaying the object in the D2000 HI - used displayed palette takes no effect on the background defined by this effect.
