Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


All control windows contain the following common controls.

CloseCloses the control window.

Note: Control window can be also closed by pressing the key Esc.

*SetDepending on the Execute button and application§s parameter CtrlAckDialog, the Set button has the following functionality:
  1. If the Execute button is NOT in the control window and CtrlAckDialog is 0, then clicking the Set button sets up a value (or default value) and object value flags (attributes).
  2. If the Execute button
  1. is in the control window or CtrlAckDialog is 1, then clicking the Set button just “prepares“ the value (or default value) and value flags (attributes) to set.
ExecuteClicking the button sets up the default value and value flags ''prepared'' to set by clicking the button Set.

Note: The button Execute is in the control window, if the option Acknowledge is checked in the object configuration in the process D2000 GrEditor.

Image Modified Graph

Opens a graph of the object.

Image Modified Graph+

Opens a multigraph.
Image Removed

Image Added Edit

object. Only when process CNF is running.
Image Removed 

Image Added Logging

Opens a loggings

Image Added Browser

Inserts the object into the current page of the Browser if opened. If it is not opened, clicking on the button opens it and inserts the object into the first page of the Browser.

Image Modified Clipboard

Copies the object name to Clipboard.
Image Modified
Acknowledges given object value (if the button is placed right from the current object value).
Image Modified
Acknowledges actual process alarm (if the button is placed right from the process alarm button).

* Control window of digital objects does not contain Set button. Buttons, used to set an object value, perform its function. The button captions are ON and OFF.
