Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


For periodical data archiving, it defines what time data with the value for the given period will be stored in the archive. The time data can present either the beginning time - the "Period begin" option or the end time of the interval (period) - the "Period end" option.

Note 1: For For archives filled from the script, this setting does not directly affect anything - the data has a timestamp with which it was stored from the script. It however affects the calculation of statistics and whether statistics are calculated from the value at the edge of the interval.

Note 2: when displaying data in graphs, the parameter "Stored time" is taken into account:

  • for primary periodic archives, the value is plotted for the entire period (regardless of whether the start or end time is stored)
  • for statistical archives, the value is plotted for the entire period (regardless of whether the start or end time is stored).
    The exception is the "time slice", which depends on the value of the parameter "Stored time":
    • if "Period begin" is set, the value for period <T, T+Period> has timestamp T and is plotted for period <T, T+Period>
    • if "Period end" is set, the value for period <T, T+Period> has timestamp T+Period and is plotted for period <T+Period, T+2*Period>
  • for script-filled archives, it depends on the value of the parameter "Stored time":
    • if "Period begin" is set, the value with time T is plotted for period <T, T+Period>
    • if "Period end" is set, the value with time T is plotted for period <T-Period, T>

