Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Item nameDescription
IP_AddressThe IP address or hostname to be tested using the PING network service (ICMP Request).
Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and names are supported.
Note: it is possible to specify the ICMP packet data size (default 0) using the *datasize syntax (e.g.*10 or [MyComputer*5]). The default data size of 0 bytes does not suit some devices and they do not respond to such packets.
PeriodPING messages sending period (seconds).
TimeoutWait time (milliseconds) for device response.
ResetSetting the parameter to TRUE resets the parameter listed below.
StatusNetwork status.
StatusTimeThe elapsed time of given status.
PktRcvThe number of successfully transferred packets.
PktLostThe number of lost packets.
SuccRatioNetwork transfer ratio.
LastPingTimeThe time when the last message was sent.


Item nameDescription
NameName of the server (process D2000 Server) within a redundant group.
ComputerNameName of the computer where the specified server is running.
UpTimeRun time of the specified server.
StatusServer status in redundancy. For numerical values see the table of server states
StatusTimeThe elapsed time of specified status.
LicenseLevelLicense level
LicenseNrLicense nuber
LicenseExpirationLicense expiration
LicenseIsTestInformácia, či je licencia testovaciaInformation on whether the license is a test one
LicenseAuthorizedUntilThe time the authorization lasts
LicenseAllowedUntilThe time the operating permit lasts
