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Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Scheduler in Siemens Desigo devices
Scheduler in Delta Controls devices
Information about events
Information about alarms
Comment on the address cache
Comment on Delta Controls devices
Comment on E-DDC3.1 devices
Comment on Siemens Desigo devices
Comment on Klimasoft MBG-MSTP devices
Comment on iLON 10 Ethernet adapter
Comment on Easylon USB Interface+
Comment on BACnet MS/TP implementation
Comment on BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Devices) support
Tell commands
Changes and modifications
Document revisions


  • Communication line category: TCP/IP-UDP, LonWorks, Serial, SerialOverUDP Device Redundant.
  • TCP/IP-UDP parameters:
    • Host: IP address or of the network interface that is used for communication by the D2000 KOM process. A symbolic name that can be translated to an IP address can be entered too.
      Note: a symbolic name ALL or * can be entered - in which case all available interfaces are used.
    • Port: UDP port number that is used for communication by the D2000 KOM process (according to standard 0xBAC0, i.e. 47808).


  • configuration software: Echelon Node Utility Release 1.82
  • sizes and quantities of buffers:

    DEVICE:0> (B)uffer configuration
    Node buffer configuration
    Type			Count	Size	Bytes
    Receive transaction	11	13	143
    Transmit transaction	2	28	56
    App buffer in		2	82	164
    App buffer out		2	82	164
    Net buffer in		5	82	410
    Net buffer out		2	82	164
    App buff out priority	1	82	82
    Net buff out priority	1	82	82
    ==> Total bytes = 1265

Comment on Easylon USB Interface+


The use of the Easylon USB Interface+ adapter on 64-bit Windows 10 (with 32-bit D2000) has been tested.
It was necessary to specify the device name EasyLVU11-3-Mip0 in the line configuration (the EasyLVU11-3-Vni0 device did not work). The OpenLDV 5.1 driver had to be installed on the computer.


Comment on BACnet MS/TP implementation
