Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


For a specific type of device (device code), individual objects are identified by a number (device number). When using 3E and 4E frames, a 3-byte number is specified, when using a 1E frame, a 4-byte number is specified. Numbering starts from 0, the maximum number for a specific device type depends on the specific PLC.
Note 1: if the number starts with a hash sign (#), it is understood as hexadecimal, e.g. #A3 is 163 in decimal.
Note 2: if the number starts with "o", it is understood as octal, e.g. o17 is 15 in decimal. For several types of Mitsubishi PLCs, the octal system is used to number Inputs (X) and Outputs (Y).


Optional parameter - access to a specific bit. For device types (device code) that have word data, a specific bit (0-15) can be specified.
Note: writing is not yet implemented for the  I/O tag with a specified bit, only reading.


  • X10 - Input 10, interpreted as a BIT (default)
  • D0 - Data register 0, interpreted as a WORD (default)
  • M12, WORD - Internal relays 12-27, interpreted as a WORD
  • M#12, WORD - Internal relays 18-33 (0x12=18), interpreted as a WORD
  • D4, REAL - Data registers 4 and 5, interpreted as REAL
  • Y10, BIT, 20 - Inputs 10-29, interpreted as BIT (default), assigned to 20 items of the Destination column
  • D4, REAL, 10 - Data registers 4-23, each couple interpreted as REAL, assigned to 10 items of the Destination column
  • D4, WORD, 10 - Data register 4-13, interpreted as WORD, assigned to 10 items of the Destination column
  • R1000, , 3 - File registers 1000-1003, interpreted as WORD (default), assigned to 3 items of the Destination column
