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Supported device types and versions
Communication partners
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
Tell TELL commands
I/O tag configuration
Document revisions


  • Originator ASDU address is 1 byte, it is defined as the line number.
  • ASDU address is 2 bytes, it is defines defined as the station address. ASDU addresses of all stations on one line must be different.
  • Cause of transmission is 2 bytes (contains also Originator ASDU address).
  • Information object address is 3 bytes, it is defined as an I/O tag address.
  • The following ASDU types are implemented in the monitoring course (from controlled station to the D2000 system and also vice-versa in balanced mode):


ASDU typeI/O tag type
1 - Single-point informationDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
2 - Single-point information with time tagDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
3 - Double-point informationQi, Ai, Ci
4 - Double-point information with time tagQi, Ai, Ci
5 - Step position informationCi, Ai *
6 - Step position information with time tagCi, Ai *
7 - Bitstring of 32 bitsCi, Ai
8 - Bitstring of 32 bits with time tagCi, Ai
9 - Measured value, normalized valueAi
10 - Measured value, normalized value with time tagAi
11 - Measured value, scaled valueCi, Ai
12 - Measured value, scaled value with time tagCi, Ai
13 - Measured value, short floating-point valueAi
14 - Measured value, short floating-point value with time tagAi
15 - Integrated totalsCi, Ai
16 - Integrated totals with time tagCi, Ai
17 - Event of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR **
18 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR ***
20 - Packed single-point information with status change detectionCi, Ai
21 - Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptorAi
30 - Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2aDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
31 - Double-point information with CP56Time2a tagQi, Ai, Ci
32 - Step position information with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai *
33 - Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
34 - Measured value, normalized value with CP56Time2a tagAi
35 - Measured value, scaled value with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
36 - Measured value, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2aAi
37 - Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai
38 - Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR **
39 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
40 - Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
241 - 64-bit floating-point value (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
243 - 64-bit floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2a (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
251 - Archive data values (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all (except Qi)

Note: Single bites bits of the byte, which informs us on quality (SIQ for ASDU 1,2,30; DIQ for ASDU 3,4,31; QDS for 5..14,20,32..36) are mapped into the flags FLA A (0.bit), FLB B (1.bit) .. FLH H (7.bit) except flags except the bits that are directly set by the value of the variable ( SCO bit 0, DCO and RCS bity bits 0-1). After receiving the answer (a positive/negative one), the flags FLAA .. FLH are H flags are set according to bits of "status" byte.

For example:
for ASDU 4: FLAA=DPI bit 0, FLBB=DPI bit 1, FLCC=0, FLDD=0, FLEE=BL bit, FLFF=SB bit, FLGG=NT bit, FLHH=IV bit.
for ASDU 16: FLAA .. FLE E Sequence number bity bits 0..4, FLFF=CY bit, FLGG=CA bit, FLHH=IV bit.


  • if a bit is set to IV (Invalid), the value state will be Invalid
  • if some of the bits are set to NT (Not topical), SB (Substituted), BL (Blocked), OV (Overflow), CA (Counter adjusted), CY (Counter overflow) for corresponding ASDU types, the value state will be Weak.


* - T-bit of the value of these ASDU types is in the FI I flag, a number within -64 .. +63 is in a variable of Ci/Ai type.
** - ASDU 17 and 38: SEP byte is in the flags FLA  A (0.bit), FLB B (1.bit) .. FLH H (7.bit), the following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are in a variable of Ci/Ai type as a positive number (0-60 000) or they are in a variable of TiR type as a relative time (0-60 seconds).

*** - ASDU 18, 39 and 40: SPE(ASDU 18,39) byte respectively OCI (ASDU 40) byte is in the flags FLI  I (0.bit), FLJ J (1.bit) .. FLP P (7.bit), QDP byte is in the the flags FLA A (0.bit), FLB B (1.bit) .. .FLH H (7.bit), the following 2 bytes (CP16Time2a) are in a variable of Ci/Ai type as a positive number (0-60 000) or they are in a variable of TiR type as a relative time.


ASDU typeI/O tag type
45 - Single commandDout
46 - Double commandDout
47 - Regulating step commandDout
48 - Set point command, normalised valueAo
49 - Set point command, scaled valueCo
50 - Set point command, short floating-point valueAo
51 - Bitstring of 32 bitCo
58 - Single command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
59 - Double command with time tag CP56Time2aDout, Co
60 - Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
61 - Set point command, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
62 - Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2aCo
63 - Set point command, short floating-point value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
64 - Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2aCo
250 - Archive data request command (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all

To set the bites bits of "status" byte (SCO for ASDU 45,58; DCO for ASDU 46,59; RCO for ASDU 47,60; QOS for ASDU 48..50,61..63), there are used the flags FLA  A (0.bit), FLB B (1.bit) .. FLH H (7.bit) are used, except the bitesbits, which are directly set by the variable value (SCO bit 0, DCO and RCS bites bits 0-1). Having received a response (positive/negative), the flags FLAA .. FLH are H flags are set according to the bites bits of the "status" byte.

When sending commands (ASDU 45-64), the value of 6 [Activation] is send sent as a CauseOfTransmission. Expecting a The expected response from the controlled station depends on the parameter the Command Confirm parameter. There are the following possibilities:
- writing is successful , if the packet with RSN confirming the SSN packet with the logwrite command
- writing is finished, if there is a response with CauseOfTransmission=7 [Activation Confirmation] and/or with 10 [Activation Termination]. Success/Unsuccess failure depends on the setting of the P/N bite in bit in CauseOfTransmission.

**** - ASDU 250 can be used for communication with Ipesoft 870-5-104 Server. The command will ask for historical values (within any specified interval) from the server, which get back will arrive as ASDU 251 (or newer ASDU 249 that use 64-bit values for improved precision, if the protocol parameter D2H64 is enabled on the server). The reading of the archive values can be executed by means of the TELL GETOLDVAL command GETOLDVAL with the parameter containing the name of the I/O tag or station (in this case, there are read the values of all I/O tag in successive stepsare read gradually, i.e. reading another of the next tag starts after termination the reading of currently read current tag is done).
Response for ASDU 250 is again ASDU 250 (with CauseOfTransmission=7) and with the return code:

  • 0 - the successful start of reading the history
  • 1 - the history for the required tag doesn't existsexist
  • 2 - the history for the required tag is not available (the archive does not run)

Further follows Next (is the return code was 00) the ASDU 251 with archive data will be sent and the termination ASDU 250 with CauseOfTransmission=10.

Establishing a connection:

process The D2000 KOM process is connecting to the TCP port and sends a StartDT Act U-frame StartDT Act, then a StartDT Con U-frame is waited expected as a reply.

For all the stations with a defined synchronization (see the article below), there is send an ASDU type 103 [Clock synchronisation command] with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation] is sent, there is expected and a reply in dependence (depending on the Command Confirm parameter) is expected.

Then there is sent a sequence of 0 up to N I-frames with ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] is sent, both with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation]. The I-frames are sent for each station with at least one input I/O tag (i.e. Ai, Di, Qi, Ci). As a response, there is expected The expected response (in any order) is:

  • receiving reception of frames with ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and with CauseOfTransmission=7 or 10 (depends depending on the Command Confirm parameter)
  • receiving reception of frames with ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] and with CauseOfTransmission=7 or 10 (depends depending on the Command Confirm parameter)
  • receiving reception of current values of all I/O tags.

The other side can also sent send frames with ASDU TypeIdentificator=100 and CauseOfTransmission=10 [Activation Termination]. However, but the process D2000 KOM process does not consider it to be an error , if such no frames will not receive. are received. The order of sending ASDU 100 and 101 sending order as well as disabling their sending is defined by the parameters Order of IC and Order of Counter IC parameters.

Clock synchronisation: Sending ASDU type 103 [Clock synchronisation command] is performed during initialization (after sending StartDT and before sending Interrogation Command). The synchronization is sent for the stations, with the checked parameter Enable in the tab Enable parameter checked in the Time parameters tab. ASDU type 103 is sending sent regularly with a defined period.

Forced disconnection: If all stations on the line are in the simulation mode or the communication is stopped for them, the line will be disconnected (the communication socket will be closed). If the simulation is disabled for at least one station and the communication is not stopped for it (the the Parameters tab Parameters of Station type object), the line will be connected again (and there will be sent Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command will be sent to the active station). After turning on every next stationenabling communication for further stations, Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command will be sent to the stationthese stations, see the next articleparagraph.

Forced sending of Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command: If a station is in the simulation mode, and the communication is not stopped for it (the the Parameters tab Parameters of Station type object), the process D2000 KOM process sends Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command (see the parameters Order of IC, Order of Counter IC).

The D2000 system also supports the a balanced mode. In the this mode, the task of controlled and control stations is changed. That time, symmetrical. In this mode, the D2000 system receives commands and confirms them. The balanced mode may be used only when it is supported by the partner station. An advantage is that the D2000 system sends the current status of output I/O tags (defined as ASDU 1-40) as a reply to ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] requests. It is still suitable to configure single-shot commands as ASDU 45 - 64; they are not repeated after re-establishing the connection.
As the protocol supports the balanced mode (partly it is a server), there are valid the rules of server protocols apply to it.
The output tags, which are configured as ASDU 1-40, do not switched to go through the Transient status (i.e. they are considered as if in the configuration of I/O tag, tab Output controlcontrol tab, the I/O tag output mode is set on to Command). The record writing is considered to be successful if there is the a connection with the server at the time of recordwriting, otherwise, the record writing is unsuccessful.

Communication partners


  • Communication line category: TCP/IP-TCP or TCP/IP-TCP Redundant.
  • TCP parameters - server parameters are mandatory:
    • Host: string containing at most 80 characters – server name in form of INET (name or numerical address a.b.c.d). In the case of redundant systems, multiple names/addresses separated by commas can be entered.
    • Port: TCP port number (0..65535)
    • Line number: is to be used as the Originator ASDU address (1 byte, 0-255)


  • Communication protocol: IEC870-TCP.
  • Station address: a decimal number within the range of 0..65535 , defines the ASDU address. It can be specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #0A).

Note 1: After saving a station in process D2000 CNF, the process D2000 KOM automatically sends ASDU 100 and ASDU 101 (Interrogation and Counter Interrogation Commands) to this station, if enabled.


Note 3: Starting with D2000 version 7.02.004 if a TCP Redundant line category is used, the C and D flags FLC and FLD are used in the value of communication stations for an indication of the functionality of primary (FLCC) and secondary (FLDD) communication pathpaths. If these flags are set, the respective communication path is non-functional. For example, if the value of the communication station is StON and the C flag FLC is  is set it means that only the secondary communication path is functional.
For lower versions of D2000 only partial detection of a broken communication path is available when using the parameter the Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation parameter.

The Browse button opens a browsing dialogue for the station address. If the communication is functional, a dialogue with the ASDU addresses received so far is displayed. The Refresh button can be used to clear the list of received ASDU addresses.

Image Added

Station protocol parameters


The parameters are intended for configuration of communication station for communication with
Full nameMeaningUnitDefault value
Asymetric Asymmetric Redundancy Mode Periodicity
The parameter can be used for a TCP Redundant line with defined backup servers (see the parameters AS1, AP1, BS1, BP1 ..). NonThe non-zero value of ARMP parameter means that if this number of ASDUs is received (after a successful reconnect), both connection connections are checked whether they're not going through the same network (IP a IPs and ports defined in the line settings or ASx:APx and BSx:BPx). If they do, the connection to the standby server (see the parameter Asymetric the Asymmetric Redundancy Mode Slave Detection parameter) will be closed and an attempt to establish a connection through another network will be made. If unsuccessful, the following next IP address will be tried (i.e. Alternate Server 1, Alternate Server 2, line IP, Alternate Server 1, etc).
Note: When the parameter Asymetric Asymmetric Redundancy Mode Periodicity is enabled, the second connection is established to "B-Alternate Server 1":"B-Alternate Port 1" and not to the IP address and port defined for the line after running the process D2000 KOM process (so that it wouldn't be immediately closed).
Asymetric Asymmetric Redundancy Mode Slave Detection
Detection The detection method of standby server for Asymetric Asymmetric Redundancy Mode Periodicity:
  • 0 - no detection: the first connection, that detects it is working via the same network, is to be disconnected
  • 1 - if ASDU contains the least significant bit bit 0 of the 3rd Control Field byte set to 1
  • 2 - if ASDU in CauseOfTransmission contains a bit set to 8the bit 7 set to 1
Alternate Server 1/
Alternate Port 1/
Alternate Server 2/
Alternate Port 2/
Extension for redundant systems: beside besides the IP address defined in the configuration of the Line, it is possible to define 2 alternative IP addresses. In case of a connection failure, the process D2000 KOM process is attempting to connect to the next address in the list.
Note 1: All IP addresses and ports must be defined stepwise gradually for one station (i.e. at first "Alternate Server 1", "Alternate Port 1" and then "Alternate Server 2", "Alternate Port 2").
Note 2: These parameters are obsolete , since it's possible to define several IP addresses in the configuration of the line (separated by comma or semicolon, e.g.;
B-Alternate Server 1/
B-Alternate Port 1/
B-Alternate Server 2/
B-Alternate Port 2/
Can be used when the protocol IEC 870-5-104 is configured for a TCP redundant line. The meaning of the parameters is the same as for the primary connection, but they are valid for the backup connection.
Note 1: All IP addresses must be defined stepwise for one station (i.e. at first "Alternate Server 1", "Alternate Port 1" and then "Alternate Server 2", "Alternate Port 2").
Note 2: These parameters are obsolete , since it's possible to define several IP addresses in the configuration of the line (separated by comma or semicolon, e.g.;
Command Confirm
Confirmation of control ASDU.
If Command Confirm=0, the process D2000 KOM process is not waiting for confirmation of control ASDU from the partner station using backward sending a reply ASDU with other a different CauseOfTransmission, . ASDU is consider considered to be confirmed , when there is received a packet containing the corresponding ReceiveSequenceNumber is received.
If Command Confirm=1, the process D2000 KOM process is waiting for confirmation with CauseOfTransmission=7 (Activation Confirmation).
If Command Confirm=2, the process D2000 KOM process is waiting for confirmation with CauseOfTransmission=10 (Activation Termination).
If Command Confirm=3, the process D2000 KOM process waiting for confirmation with CauseOfTransmission=7 or 10 (if both of them are received, only the first of them is taken into account).
Having received corresponding confirmation means that writing is finished (the Transient attribute of written value is evaluated cleared and the "Wait Timeout Tn" timeout stops elapsing).
If there is received a confirmation with other CauseOfTransmission, as the process a CauseOfTransmission different from the one the D2000 KOM process expects for, is received, it will be ignored.
Writing is successful , if the received ASDU contains the P/N bit set to 0. Otherwise, writing is unsuccessful.
Value from received ASDU is backwardly written back into a particular I/O tag and is sent to the system. E.g. if an ASDU of type 50 (short floating point) with the value of 1200.0 is sent and the partner station sends an ASDU of type 50 as a reply, P/N bit=0, the value of 999.0 (e.g. due to physical limitations of the given parameter) as a response, then the value is to be send by process D2000 KOM will be sent to the D2000 system by the D2000 KOM process.



These parameters are intended for the configuration of a communication station for communication

between two D2000 systems

using ASDU 252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation). more ...

Debug Input
A mask for debug levels of input data. The meaning of bits is as follows:
  • 10.bit - displays a number of incoming values during General Interrogation
  • 21.bit - displays all incoming values
  • 32.bit - balanced mode: requesting Interrogation command was received
Debug Output
A mask for debug levels of output data. The meaning of bits is as follows:
  • 10.bit - balanced mode: displays a number of outgoing values during General Interrogation
  • 21.bit - displays all outgoing values
End of initialization
Extension for ABB MicroScada: If End of initialization=1, having received ASDU 70 (End of initialisation) resends Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command.-0
Force Master Time
If Force Master Time=True, then the process D2000 KOM process will accept ASDU 103 (Clock synchronisation command) with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation] or 3 [Spontaneous] from the server and saves it will save the time difference between the server's time and its time. If CauseOfTransmission=6, it replies with CauseOfTransmission=7 [Activation Confirmation].
Then the time of all values, which are received with timestamps, is decreased by this difference, i.e. a correction to the time of D2000 is made.
The parameter allows to solve solving the problem when some values from the server are received with the timestamps and others without timestamps and times from D2000 and server differ. In this case, without parameter Force Master Time=True the values received without timestamps are specified tagged by D2000 time and the values with the timestamps are specified tagged by the server time. With parameter Force Master Time=True the time, sent by the server, is corrected to D2000 time using the time difference, which is computed from the received ASDU 103 (Clock synchronisation command).
Force Slave Time
Extension for ABB MicroScada: If Force Slave Time=True, then the process D2000 KOM process will accept ASDU 103 (Clock synchronisation command) with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation] or 3 [Spontaneous] from the server and saves the time difference between server time and its time. If CauseOfTransmission=6, it replies with CauseOfTransmission=7 [Activation Confirmation].
Then all values, which are received with no timestamps, are to be marked by the current time plus time difference (if the station is not configured to use the communication computer time).
The parameter The Force Slave Time parameter allows to solve solving the problem, that having sent after receiving ASDU 100 or 101 there are sent , the ABB MicroScada values with no timestamps, but they sends "interrogated" values without timestamps. However, during the communication, the values are sent with the time stamps during the communication - problems can occur, when there are not synchronized timestamps - which may cause problems if the times of the MicroScada and the D2000 system are not synchronized.
GI Send New
If GI Send New=True, then the process D2000 KOM process, after receiving the command the General Interrogation command, sends also values with more recent times than is the time when the command is was received. The value of the parameter the GI Send New parameter must be True to send values with more recent times using the command General Interrogationfuture times as a reply to the General Interrogation command.-False
Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0
Determines behaviourbehavior, when ASDU contains Control Field with the lowest bit (10) of the 3rd-byte set to 1.
  • if Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0=False (default), ASDU content is to be processed
  • if Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0=True, ASDU content is to be ignored
The feature can be used when creating a redundant TCP connection (TCP Redundant line + IEC 870-5-104 protocol). Hot The active server should send ASDU with the lowest bit of the 3rd Control Field byte set to 0, standby the passive server should send ASDU with the lowest bit of the 3rd Control Field byte set to 1.
Ignore Invalids on Interrogation
Balanced mode: if this parameter is set on a station, the process D2000 KOM process will not send as a reply for ASDU 100 and 101 (Interrogation / Counter interrogation command) values of I/O tags which are Invalid or Unknown. Parameter The parameter can be used e.g. when controlling , if sending Invalid values causes a breakdown of control.-False
Ignore Tests
Determines behaviourbehavior, when ASDU contains bit 8 (testthe highest 7th bit (Test) set in CauseOfTransmission.
  • if Ignore Tests=0 (default), ASDU content is to be processed
  • if Ignore Tests=1, ASDU content is to be ignored
  • if Ignore Tests=2, weak a Weak attribute is to be set
The feature can be used for creating a redundant TCP connection (TCP Redundant line + IEC 870-5-104 protocol). Hot An active server should send ASDU with the Test bit=0, standby a passive server should send ASDU with the Test bit=1.
Ignore Unknown Addresses
If Ignore Unknown Addresses=TRUE, the process D2000 KOM process will not show an error on its console or write it into log files in case that incoming value has the address not matching any of the addresses of I/O tags defined in the D2000 system.-False
Implicit Interrogation
Balanced mode: After connecting to the IEC104 server, the process D2000 KOM process sends the values of all variables without waiting for ASDU 100 or 101 [Interrogation/Counter Interrogation Command] requests.-False
Interrogation Covers Counter Interrogation
Balanced mode: As a reply to Interrogation, also values of I/O tags configured as ASDU 15, 16, 37 (Integrated Totals) are sent. (They are normally requested by ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation].)-False
Interrogation WithOut Timestamps
If Interrogation WithOut Timestamps=True, then values sent as a response to ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] in balanced mode will be sent as ASDUs without timestamps.
For example instead of ASDU 2 (Single-point information with time tag) or ASDU 30 (Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a) ASDU 1 (Single-point information) will be sent.
This behaviour behavior is suitable in the situation when the values have been invalidated as a result of communication error and after the communication is reestablished the values come with old timestamps which causes problems in the archive (if the values change only rarely, calculated archives depending on them will be also invalid till a new value arrives). At the same time, this behavior is strictly according to the IEC standard, which says that the response to Interrogation should not use ASDUs with time stamps.
Sending window size i.e. number of I-frames sent by the process D2000 KOM process without receiving a confirmation (S-frame or I-frame). According to the standard, the default value is 12.-12
LFC History

The parameter may be used to read archive historical values for communication with LFC terminals or other devices that support ASDU 250 defined by Ipesoft.

Unlike the primary use of ASDU 250, the LFC terminal can only transmit one value for interval begin time, while the end time is ignored. The value is will not to be received as ASDU 251 but as one of the standard ASDU with time stamp. What is morea timestamp. Moreover, the values (with the same time stamptimestamp) of other tags may be received along with the value of the required tag. LFC terminal does not send ASDU 250 (with CauseOfTransmission=7, 10) as part of the response to ASDU 250 and the process D2000 KOM treats process considers the reading as done as soon as it gets the value of the required IOI/O tag. Reading archive values is considered as unsuccessful but connection to LFC terminal is not closed until If the value is not received in within the time defined by the parameter Wait Timeout T1T1 parameter, the reading of historical value is considered unsuccessful, however, the connection to the LFC terminal is not closed.

If the values of other I/O tags are received along with the value of the required I/O tag, they must be received before the value of the required tag is received, otherwise, they are not considered as archive historical values (because reading is consider considered to be done after the value of required I/O tag is donereceived).
Example: After the request for the values of I/O tags with the addresses of 1,2..16, the LFC terminal always sends the values of all the tags in the order of 1,2..16, therefore we must require ask for the value of the I/O tag with the address of 16.

If the parameter is not defined or LFC History=0, reading archive of historical data are is defined by Ipesoft (D2000 IEC104 Server partner is assumed).

If LFC History=1, then the value the time of which belongs into the time interval specified by the action GETOLDVAL (and transferred through ASDU 250) is considered to be historical one (it is will go to be stored in the archive and but not to the I/O tag, etc.) if its timestamp belongs to the time interval specified by the GETOLDVAL action (and is received as ASDU 250).

If LFC History=2 then see the description above behavior is as for LFC History=1 except if the time timestamp of the received value is later newer than the timestamp of the current value of the I/O tag, the received value is to will be sent into the process D2000 Server process as a new one and not as a historical one.

Note: When reading archive historical data of the LFC terminal, the the GETOLDVAL action GETOLDVAL may not contain the station name (the the statIdent parameter statIdent) but the I/O tag name. If the action contains a station name, ASDU 250 is to will be sent for one I/O tag only.

Maximum Time Difference
Maximum acceptable time difference (in hours) between the time of received data and the time of process the D2000 KOM process. If the partner station sends a value with a timestamp older or latter then later than MDT hours, the value is to will be ignored and an error report is to log will be generated written into the line's trace file. If the parameter the Maximum Time Difference parameter is a negative value (e.g. Maximum Time Difference=-5), there is used its absolute value is used and the system tag alarm SystemError is  will be generated as well. If the parameter's value is zero, the time difference is will not to be checked.hrs0
No Flags

If the parameter is True, then the status


byte of incoming ASDUs is ignored and not saved into the

flags FA

A .. H flags.


Flags of output I/O tags are also ignored and they are not


written to the status



Order of IC
Order of sending ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] during connection initialization. If OIC<OCIC Order of IC < Order of Counter IC, ASDU 100 will be send sent before ASDU 101. If OIC Order of IC=0, ASDU 100 will not be sent. The parameter can be set extra for each station.-1
Order of Counter IC
Order of sending ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] during connection initialization. If Order of Counter IC < Order of Counter IC, ASDU 101 will be sent before ASDU 100. If Order of Counter IC=0, ASDU 101 will not be sent. The parameter can be set extra for each station.-2
Ping Count
Number The number of repetitions, after which the IP address not responding to the ping is known as considered non-functional.
See the parameter the Ping TimeOut parameter.
Ping TimeOut
If the parameter is other than non-zero, then it defines the timeout (in milliseconds) of server response for ping (ICMP echo) packet. In the background, the process the D2000 KOM process sends ping packets to all defined IPs - Line IP address and Alternate Server 1, Alternate Server 2, B-Alternate Server 1, B-Alternate Server 2. If some of the addresses does do not response for respond Ping Count-times, it is designated as non-functional. If the line is connected to this IP address, the connection is terminated. New A new connection is established just only to a functional IP address. If the parameter Ping TimeOut=0, sending the ping packet to IP addresses is disabled.ms0
Post start delay
A delay between receiving StartDT Con response and sending Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command in the initialisation initialization phase.ms0
Pre Reconnect Delay
A delay before connecting and or reconnecting (after starting the process D2000 KOM process and after communication break-up).ms0
Send sequence number
Initial The initial Send sequence number after the TCP connection is established. According to the standard, having established the connection the Send sequence number is set to 0, other than zero could be appropriate e.g. for testing.-0
Smart Redundancy Minimum
Number The number of values that must be identical in the Smart Redundancy Minimum mode to consider the connections synchronized. The following parameters are taken into account:
  • I/O tag and station addresses
  • value
  • time
  • flags (FAA .. FHH)
Smart Redundancy Mode
Can be used for TCP Redundant line as an alternative to Ignore Tests=1 or Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0=1. The process D2000 KOM process assumes that the identical values go via the both connection of the TCP Redundant line in the same order. The process D2000 KOM process is attempting to synchronize the connections. If the D2000 KOM process receives a number of identical values defined by the parameter the Smart Redundancy Minimum parameter are received, data are synchronized. After synchronisation synchronization is done, the value that comes earlier is taken into account, the same value via the other connection is ignored.
When the TCP connection is broken or two different values comescome, the synchronisation synchronization is broken.
Compared to the detection hotof active/standby passive partner by means of "Ignore Tests"/"Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0", an advantage is that after communication failure with the hot active server, there is no data loss , because the communication is still working with the standby passive partner and the D2000 KOM process is attempting to recover the connection with the hot active server.
Having recovered the connection (if the second connection is working), there are ignored the values which are acquired by the command General Interrogation.
Standby Keep Open
If True, after changing the status of process the D2000 Server process (the process D2000 KOM process is connected to) from Hot into Standby state (in a redundant system), connection with the IEC104 server will not be closed.-False
Standby Set Control Field
If TRUE, after changing the status of process the D2000 Server process (the process D2000 KOM process is connected to) from Hot to Standby state (in the a redundant system), the lowest bit of the 3rd Control Field byte of information APDUs (APDU containing data or commands) will be set to 1 instead of the standard value of 0. The behaviour behavior does not strictly follow the standard and we recommend you to use using the parameter Standby Set Test Bit parameter instead of this parameter if it is possible.-False
Standby Set Test Bit
If True, the Cause Of Transmission will have a Test bit set if the process D2000 KOM process is connected to the Standby server (in a redundant system) or is a passive instance.-False
Standby Write Values
If True, after changing the status of process the D2000 Server process (the process D2000 KOM process is connected to) from Hot into Standby state (in a redundant system), there the new values will be sent new valuesto the IEC104 server.-False
Station Communication Error
Number The number of unsuccessful connection attempts after the communication failure after which the station status is changed to St_CommErr. For redundant lines, the communication must be either failed on both TCP connections or only a TCP connection to standby-server must be a passive server is established (see the parameters Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0 and Ignore Tests), i.e. data from the such a server are ignored.-2
Station Hard Error
The status of all stations on the line is changed into the state St_HardErr state if the following conditions are met:
  • number of unsuccessful connection attempts reaches the value of ST_HE Station Hard Error or higher,
  • an attempt to restore the communication lasts at least the time defined by the parameter Time filter parameter (maximum value of all stations on the line is taken into account),
  • for redundant lines, the communication must be either failed for both TCP connections or there is only a working TCP connection only to a standby-passive server is established (see the parameters Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0 and Ignore Tests), i.e. the data from the such a server are ignored.
Stop Data Confirm Ignored
Workaround due to for the MetsoDNA server error: after connecting to the IEC870-5-104 server from the firm Metso company, the server sends a StopDT Con U-frame STOPDTcon (thereby confirms interruption in confirming the end of sending data). If the parameter Stop Data Confirm Ignored parameter is True, this frame will be ignored and the communication will continue. Without the parameter Stop Data Confirm Ignored parameter set, the connection will be aborted.-False
Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation
Determines behaviourbehavior, when the protocol is used for TCP Redundant line
  • if Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation=False, the line is in order ok (TRUE), if at least 1 connection is working
  • if Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation=True, the line is in an error state (FALSE), if both connections are working
Tcp Keep Init
The parameter is implemented for use on OpenVMS platforms only. If it is other than zero, then defines the timeout (in seconds) for opening a new connection to the IEC104 server. For OpenVMS, the default value is 75 seconds, for Windows, it is 20 seconds. When the timeout expires, the connect procedure returns an error.-0
Tcp No Delay
Setting Tcp No Delay parameter causes low-level socket option TCP_NODELAY being to be set, thus turning off the default packet coalesce feature.-False
Number The number of received I-frames, after which the process D2000 KOM process sends a an S-frame confirmation. According to the standard, the default value is 8. The relation W < K must be true, the standard recommends W = 2/3 * K.-8
Wait Timeout T1
Timeout for receiving the confirmation of a sent I-frame (either confirmation within the I-frame or the S-frame itself) or a U-frame. If the process D2000 KOM process does not get receive the confirmation in the time within Wait Timeout T1T1 time, it closes the TCP connection. According to the standard, the Wait Timeout T1 default value is 15000 ms.ms15 000
Wait Timeout T2
Timeout for sending the confirmation of a received I-frame. Wait Timeout T2 < Wait Timeout T2T1. If other another I-frame (which confirms the received I-frame) is not sent in the time within Wait Timeout T2 time since the I-frame was received, so the process D2000 KOM process sends a an S-frame confirming the received I-frame to the partner. According to the standard, the Wait Timeout T2 default value is 10000 ms.ms10 000
Wait Timeout T3
Timeout for sending test frames ( TEST ACT U-frame TEST ACT). If no data are sent in any direction for a long time, an a TEST ACT U-frame TEST ACT will be sent to the process D2000 KOM after expiration after the expiration of the Wait Timeout T3 time and there by the D2000 KOM process, and a TEST CON U-frame is expected (in the within Wait Timeout T1 time after sending) receiving a U-frame TEST CON. If the Wait Timeout T3 on the partner side is set to a lower value, it sends the test frames, and the process D2000 KOM reply process replies to them. According to the standard, the Wait Timeout T2 default value is 20000 ms.
Setting the value to 0 disables sending test frames.
ms20 000
Wait Timeout No answer
Timeout for receiving the confirmation of a sent value. Receiving e.g. S-frame with RSN (Receive Sequence Number) confirming, that the other party received the previous I-frame doesn't mean, that the I-frame was processed. In Within the Wait Timeout TnNo answer time interval, the process D2000 KOM process waits for receiving the response (e.g. after sending ASDU with TypeIdentificator=45 [Single Command] with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation] there is expected , the receiving of Single Command with CauseOfTransmission=7 [Activation Confirmation] is expected.
After the expiration of the Wait Timeout Tn, the process D2000 KOM process closes the TCP connection.
ms60 000

Defined parameters, except for Order of IC, Order of Counter IC, and Force Slave Time, are valid for the entire line - i.e. it is enough to define them for one station on the line.



TELL commands


Table 4

STCOMMANDSTCOMMAND StationName DISCONNECTTell TELL command closes immediately the active TCP connections of the communication line (a parent of  "StationName"). Then the connection is restarted and re-connectedreconnected.
STWATCH STWATCH StationNameTell TELL command sends Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command to the station (depending on station parameters).

Examples of configurations


Example 1: Client communicating with the server SrvA


on a redundant network.

Server settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP(Host ALL, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104 Server
  • parameters: none

Client settings

  • line: TCP (Host IPA1, IPA2, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104
  • parameters: none

If a communication segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure) the client establishes a connection with the server SrvA using the address IPA2.


The client communicates both with the hot server and with the standby active and passive server, connection with the standby passive server continues to be open, but new values are send sent by the hot active server only.
Note: If a symbolic name myName is used in the configuration of the IEC104 Server, it should be defined as IPA in the hosts file of the 1-st server and as IPA and IPB in the hosts file of the 2-nd server as IPB.

Example 3: Client communicating with the redundant servers SrvA, SrvB


on a redundant network.

Servers' settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP(Host ALL, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104 Server
  • parameters: SKO=True; SWV=False;SSCF3=True;

Client settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (Primary host IPA1, IPA2, Secondary host IPB1, IPB2, both ports 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104
  • parameters: ICF3=True

The client communicates with both the servers. If one network segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure), the client establishes a connection with the SrvA server SrvA using the IPA2 address IPA2.

Example 4: The redundant clients ClientC, ClientD communicating with the redundant servers SrvA,


SrvB on a redundant network.

Servers' settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP(Host ALL, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104 Server
  • parameters: SKO=True; SWV=False;SSCF3=True;

Clients' settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (Primary host IPA1, IPA2, Secondary host IPB1, IPB2, both ports 2404)
  • protocol: IEC870-5-104
  • parameters: SKO=True; SWV=False;ICF3=True

The clients communicate with both the servers. If one network segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure), the clients establish a connection with the SrvA server SrvA using the IPA2 address IPA2. After switching the hotactive/standby passive statuses of the clients ClientC and ClientD clients, they keep communicating with the servers, however, but only the active client only sends commands. New values are sent by the active server.


  • I/O tag address is mapped on to the Information object address, i.e. it has 3 bytes and must be within the range of 0..16777215. It can be specified as a decimal number or as a hexadecimal number with a hash at the beginning (e.g. #0A).
    The I/O tag with an address starting with %IGNORE will be ignored.
  • Input tags must be of particular types (Ai, Ci, Di, Qi) for received ASDU, see the see table 1 and also the also table 2 in the balanced mode.
  • For a particular type of output tag (Ao, Dout, Co), it is necessary to set a an ASDU type, that has to be used, see the see table 2.
  • Archive for providing historical values: if the client asks for historical values through ASDU 250, the server sends:
    1. the values of the historical value specified by this input entry field,
    2. if the input entry field is not filled, then the values of the historical value that archives the I/O tag,
    3. if given the specified historical value does not exist, then the values of the I/O tag that archives the control object of given the specified I/O tag,
    4. if the control object does not exist (or the archive is not available), the server returns an error.
    Specification of a historical value allows user to set configuring e.g. sending 10-minutes averages instead of sending all changes of given I/O tag.




  • Ver. 1.0 – July 30th 2003
  • Ver. 1.1 – November 19th 2003: extension of supported ASDU, new parameters
  • Ver. 1.2 – March 20th 2004: added ASDU for reading archive data
  • Ver. 1.3 – June 20th 2004: extension - redundancy support
  • Ver. 1.4 – December 1st 2004: extension - support of balanced mode
  • Ver. 1.5 - December 12th, 2012 - updating, tell commands
titleRelated pages:

Communication protocols

IEC 870-5-104 communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication partners
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
Tell commands
I/O tag configuration
Document revisions


The protocol allows reading and writing data, operating on the basis of TCP network communication. Implementation is, according to the IEC870-5-104 standard, as follows:

  • Originator ASDU address is 1 byte, it is defined as the line number.
  • ASDU address is 2 bytes, it is defines as the station address. ASDU addresses of all stations on one line must be different.
  • Cause of transmission is 2 bytes (contains also Originator ASDU address).
  • Information object address is 3 bytes, it is defined as an I/O tag address.
  • The following ASDU types are implemented in the monitoring course (from controlled station to the D2000 system and also vice-versa in balanced mode):


ASDU typeI/O tag type
1 - Single-point informationDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
2 - Single-point information with time tagDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
3 - Double-point informationQi, Ai, Ci
4 - Double-point information with time tagQi, Ai, Ci
5 - Step position informationCi, Ai *
6 - Step position information with time tagCi, Ai *
7 - Bitstring of 32 bitsCi, Ai
8 - Bitstring of 32 bits with time tagCi, Ai
9 - Measured value, normalized valueAi
10 - Measured value, normalized value with time tagAi
11 - Measured value, scaled valueCi, Ai
12 - Measured value, scaled value with time tagCi, Ai
13 - Measured value, short floating point valueAi
14 - Measured value, short floating point value with time tagAi
15 - Integrated totalsCi, Ai
16 - Integrated totals with time tagCi, Ai
17 - Event of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR **
18 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tagCi, Ai, TiR ***
20 - Packed single-point information with status change detectionCi, Ai
21 - Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptorAi
30 - Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2aDi, Qi (On/Off), Ai, Ci
31 - Double-point information with CP56Time2a tagQi, Ai, Ci
32 - Step position information with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai *
33 - Bitstring of 32 bits with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
34 - Measured value, normalized value with CP56Time2a tagAi
35 - Measured value, scaled value with CP56Time2a tagCi, Ai
36 - Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2aAi
37 - Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai
38 - Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR **
39 - Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
40 - Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2aCi, Ai, TiR ***
241 - 64-bit floating point value (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
243 - 64-bit floating point value with time tag CP56Time2a (Ipesoft & URAP implementation)Ao
251 - Archive data values (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all (except Qi)



  • if a bit is set to IV (Invalid), the value state will be Invalid
  • if some of the bits are set to NT (Not topical), SB (Substituted), BL (Blocked), OV (Overflow), CA (Counter adjusted), CY (Counter overflow) for corresponding ASDU types, the value state will be Weak.


The following ASDU types are implemented in the control course (from D2000 system to controlled station and also vice-versa in balanced mode):


ASDU typeI/O tag type
45 - Single commandDout
46 - Double commandDout
47 - Regulating step commandDout
48 - Set point command, normalised valueAo
49 - Set point command, scaled valueCo
50 - Set point command, short floating point valueAo
51 - Bitstring of 32 bitCo
58 - Single command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
59 - Double command with time tag CP56Time2aDout, Co
60 - Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2aDout
61 - Set point command, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
62 - Set point command, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2aCo
63 - Set point command, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2aAo
64 - Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2aCo
250 - Archive data request command (Ipesoft's implementation)none ****
252 - D2000 Unival (Ipesoft's implementation)all


  • 0 - successful start of reading the history
  • 1 - the history for required tag doesn't exists
  • 2 - the history for required tag is not available (the archive does not run)

Further follows (is the return code was 00) ASDU 251 with archive data and the termination ASDU 250 with CauseOfTransmission=10.

Establishing a connection:

process D2000 KOM is connecting to the TCP port and sends U-frame StartDT Act, StartDT Con is waited as a reply.

For all the stations with a defined synchronization (see the article below), there is send ASDU type 103 [Clock synchronisation command] with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation], there is expected a reply in dependence on the Command Confirm parameter.

Then there is sent a sequence 0 up to N I-frames with ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command], both with CauseOfTransmission=6 [Activation]. The I-frames are sent for each station with at least one I/O tag (i.e. Ai, Di, Qi, Ci). As a response, there is expected (in any order):

  • receiving frames with ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and with CauseOfTransmission=7 or 10 (depends on Command Confirm)
  • receiving frames with ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] and with CauseOfTransmission=7 or 10 (depends on Command Confirm)
  • receiving current values of all I/O tags.

The other side can also sent frames with ASDU TypeIdentificator=100 and CauseOfTransmission=10 [Activation Termination], but the process D2000 KOM does not consider to be an error, if such frames will not receive. ASDU 100 and 101 sending order as well as disabling their sending is defined by the parameters Order of IC and Order of Counter IC.

Clock synchronisation: Sending ASDU type 103 [Clock synchronisation command] is performed during initialization (after sending StartDT and before sending Interrogation Command). The synchronization is sent for the stations, with the checked parameter Enable in the tab Time parameters. ASDU type 103 is sending regularly with a defined period.

Forced disconnection: If all stations on the line are in the simulation mode or the communication is stopped for them, the line will be disconnected (communication socket will be closed). If the simulation is disabled for at least one station and the communication is not stopped for it (the tab Parameters of Station type object), the line will be connected again (and there will be sent Interrogation Command or Counter Interrogation Command to the active station). After turning on every next station, Interrogation Command or Counter Interrogation Command will be sent to the station, see the next article.

Forced sending Interrogation Command or Counter Interrogation Command: If a station is in the simulation mode and the communication is not stopped for it (the tab Parameters of Station type object), the process D2000 KOM sends Interrogation Command and/or Counter Interrogation Command (see the parameters Order of IC, Order of Counter IC).

D2000 system also supports the balanced mode. In the mode, the task of controlled and control stations is changed. That time, D2000 system receives commands and confirms them. The balanced mode may be used only when is supported by partner station. An advantage is that D2000 system sends the current status of output I/O tags (defined as ASDU 1-40) as a reply to ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] and 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] requests. It is still suitable to configure single-shot commands as ASDU 45 - 64; they are not repeated after re-establishing the connection.
As the protocol supports the balanced mode (partly it is server), there are valid the rules of server protocols.
The output tags, which are configured as ASDU 1-40, do not switched to Transient status (i.e. they are considered as if in the configuration of I/O tag, tab Output control, the I/O tag output mode is set on Command). The record is considered to be successful if there is the connection with server at the time of record, otherwise the record is unsuccessful.


  • ABB MicroScada. Note: The value of the parameter Maximum message length in the ABB MicroScada settings must be changed from 253 similar to 230 (+/- a few bytes). Default value of the parameter causes rewriting the communication buffer and it is expressed by sending a corrupted message.
  • PLC Bernecker & Rainer, protocol implementation: URAP-AUTOMATIZÁCIA s.r.o. (Ltd.)
  • LFC terminals of Slovenské Elektrárne, a.s. (Inc.), protocol implementation: Energodata/ABB
  • RS Unicon 4, UniControls


  • Communication line category: TCP/IP-TCP or TCP/IP-TCP Redundant.
  • TCP parameters - server parameters are mandatory:
    • Host: string containing at most 80 characters – server name in form of INET (name or numerical address a.b.c.d). In case of redundant systems multiple names/addresses separated by commas can be entered.
    • Port: TCP port number (0..65535)
    • Line number: is to be used as the Originator ASDU address (1 byte, 0-255)


  • Communication protocol: IEC870-TCP.
  • Station address a decimal number within the range of 0..65535, defines the ASDU address.

Note 1: After saving a station in process D2000 CNF, the process D2000 KOM automatically sends ASDU 100 and ASDU 101 (Interrogation and Counter Interrogation Commands) to this station, if enabled.

Note 2: The protocol supports sending long time stamps (CP56Time2a tag) in local time or UTC time with defined offset (see the parameter Use monotonic UTC time +).

Note 3: Starting with D2000 version 7.02.004 if a TCP Redundant line category is used, the flags FLC and FLD are used in the value of communication stations for indication of functionality of primary (FLC) and secondary (FLD) communication path. If these flags are set, the respective communication path is non-functional. For example, if the value of communication station is StON and flag FLC is set it means that only secondary communication path is functional.
For lower versions of D2000 only partial detection of broken communication path is available when using the parameter Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation.

Station protocol parameters

Table 3


  • 0 - no detection: the first connection, that detects it is working via the same network, is to be disconnected
  • 1 - if ASDU contains the least significant bit of the 3rd Control Field byte set to 1
  • 2 - if ASDU in CauseOfTransmission contains a bit set to 8


  • 1.bit - displays a number of incoming values during General Interrogation
  • 2.bit - displays all incoming values
  • 3.bit - balanced mode: requesting Interrogation command was received


  • 1.bit - balanced mode: displays a number of outgoing values during General Interrogation
  • 2.bit - displays all outgoing values


  • if Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0=False (default), ASDU content is to be processed
  • if Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0=True, ASDU content is to be ignored


  • if Ignore Tests=0 (default), ASDU content is to be processed
  • if Ignore Tests=1, ASDU content is to be ignored
  • if Ignore Tests=2, weak attribute is to be set


  • If the Destination Column is configured, then the values received from the address configured at the I/O tag and above are stored in the corresponding items (e.g. objects with addresses 10, 11, 12 ... according to the number of rows of the destination structure).



titleAn example of communication

The attached ZIP contains the configuration of the line, station and I/O tags for IEC104 communication. In the client subdirectory, there are line/station/I/O tag objects with the IEC 870-5-104 Client protocol, in the server subdirectory, there are line/station/I/O tag objects with the IEC 870-5-104 Server protocol, The server listens on port 2404 on the local interface (localhost). Several data and command ASDUs are configured to send the Sec and Min system tag values.

View file


You can read a blog about the IEC 870-5-104 protocol: 


If the parameter is True, then the process D2000 KOM sends ASDU 100 [Interrogation Command] resp. ASDU 101 [Counter Interrogation Command] during connection initialisation to a single station with ASDU address 0xFFFF (decimally 65535). 
Otherwise, it sends these ASDUs to all stations on the line that have input I/O tags and are not turned off. The order of ASDU 100 and ASDU 101 and whether they are sent at all depends on the "Order of IC" and "Order of Counter IC" parameters.


The parameter may be used to read archive values for communication with LFC terminals or other devices that support ASDU 250 defined by Ipesoft.

Unlike the primary use of ASDU 250, LFC terminal can only transmit one value for interval begin time, while the end time is ignored. The value is not to be received as ASDU 251 but as one of the standard ASDU with time stamp. What is more, the values (with the same time stamp) of other tags may be received along with the value of required tag. LFC terminal does not ASDU 250 (with CauseOfTransmission=7, 10) as part of the response and the process D2000 KOM treats the reading as done as soon as gets the value of the required IO/ tag. Reading archive values is considered as unsuccessful but connection to LFC terminal is not closed until the value is not received in the time defined by the parameter Wait Timeout T1.

If the values of other I/O tags are received along with the value of required I/O tag, they must be received before the value of required tag is received, otherwise they are not considered as archive values (because reading is consider to be done after the value of required I/O tag is done).
Example: After the request for the values of I/O tags with the addresses of 1,2..16, LFC terminal always sends the values of all the tags in the order of 1,2..16, therefore we must require for the value of the I/O tag with the address of 16.

If the parameter is not defined or LFC History=0, reading archive data are defined by Ipesoft (D2000 IEC104 Server partner is assumed).

If LFC History=1, then the value the time of which belongs into the time interval specified by the action GETOLDVAL (and transferred through ASDU 250) is considered to be historical one (it is to be stored in the archive and not I/O tag, etc.).

If LFC History=2 then see the description above for LFC History=1 except if the time of received value is later than the current value of the I/O tag, the received value is to be sent into the process D2000 Server as new one and not as historical one.

Note: When reading archive data of LFC terminal, the action GETOLDVAL may not contain station name (the parameter statIdent) but the I/O tag name. If the action contains a station name, ASDU 250 is to be sent for one I/O tag only.


  • I/O tag and station addresses
  • value
  • time
  • flags (FA..FH)


  • number of unsuccessful connection attempts reaches the value of ST_HE or higher,
  • an attempt to restore the communication lasts at least the time defined by the parameter Time filter (maximum value of all stations on line is taken into account),
  • for redundant lines, the communication must be either failed for both TCP connections or there is a working TCP connection only to a standby-server (see the parameters Ignore Control Field 3 bit 0 and Ignore Tests), i.e. the data from the server are ignored.


  • if Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation=False, the line is in order (TRUE), if at least 1 connection is working
  • if Strict Redundancy Connection Signalisation=True, the line is in error state (FALSE), if both connections are working


Defined parameters, except for Order of IC, Order of Counter IC and Force Slave Time, are valid for the entire line - i.e. it is enough to define them for one station on the line.


Table 4


Examples of configurations

Example 1: Client communicating with the server SrvA on redundant networks.

Image Removed

Server settings


Client settings

  • line: TCP (Host IPA1,IPA2, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104
  • parameters: none

If a communication segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure) the client establishes connection with the server SrvA using the address IPA2.

Example 2: Client communicating with the redundant servers SrvA, SrvB.

Image Removed


Servers' settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP (Host myName or ALL, port 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104 Server
  • parameters: SKO=TRUE; SWV=False; SSCF3=True;


Client settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (Primary host IPA, Secondary host IPB, both ports 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104
  • parameters: SKO=True;ICF3=True;

The client communicates both with the hot server and with the standby server, connection with the standby server continues to be open, but new values are send by the hot server.
Note: If symbolic myName is used, it should be defined in hosts file of 1-st server as IPA and in hosts file of 2-nd server as IPB.

Example 3: Client communicating with the redundant servers SrvA, SrvB on redundant networks.

Image Removed

Servers' settings


Client settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (Primary host IPA1,IPA2, Secondary host IPB1,IPB2, both ports 2404)
  • protocol: IEC 870-5-104
  • parameters: ICF3=True

The client communicates with both the servers. If one network segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure), the client establishes connection with the server SrvA using the address IPA2.

Example 4: The redundant clients ClientC, ClientD communicating with the redundant servers SrvA, SrvB on redundant networks.

Image Removed

Servers' settings


Clients' settings

  • line: TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (Primary host IPA1,IPA2, Secondary host IPB1,IPB2, both ports 2404)
  • protocol: IEC870-5-104
  • parameters: SKO=True; SWV=False;ICF3=True

The clients communicate with both the servers. If one network segment drops out (e.g. IPA1 failure), the clients establish connection with the server SrvA using the address IPA2. After switching the hot/standby statuses of the clients ClientC and ClientD, they keep communicating with the servers, but the active client only sends commands. New values are sent by the active server.


Possible I/O tag types: Ai, Ao, Ci, Co, Di, Dout, Qi

  • I/O tag address is mapped on Information object address, i.e. it has 3 bytes and must within the range of 0..16777215.
  • Input tags must be particular types (Ai, Ci, Di, Qi) for received ASDU, see the table 1 and also the table 2 in the balanced mode.
  • For particular type of output tag (Ao, Dout, Co) it is necessary to set a ASDU type, that has to be used, see the table 2.
  • Archive for providing historical values: if client asks for historical values through ASDU 250, the server sends:
    1. the values of the historical value specified by this input entry field,
    2. if the input entry field is not filled, then the values of the historical value that archives the I/O tag,
    3. if given historical value does not exist, then the values of the I/O tag that archives the control object of given I/O tag,
    4. if the control object does not exist (or the archive is not available), the server returns an error.
    Specification of a historical value allows user to set e.g. sending 10-minutes averages instead of sending all changes of given I/O tag.




You can read blogs about  IEC 870-5-104 protocol (for now, in Slovak language only): 

Document revisions


  • Ver. 1.0 – July 30th, 2003
  • Ver. 1.1 – November 19th, 2003: extension of supported ASDU, new parameters
  • Ver. 1.2 – March 20th, 2004: added ASDU for reading archive data
  • Ver. 1.3 – June 20th, 2004: extension - redundancy support
  • Ver. 1.4 – December 1st, 2004: extension - support of balanced mode
  • Ver. 1.5 - December 12th, 2012 - updating, tell commandsTELL commands
  • Ver. 1.2 – November 16th, 2023 (support for the Destination Column)

titleRelated pages:

Communication protocols
