Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Basic keyboard shortcuts:

    CTRL+F1Display the complete list of actions together with keyboard shortcuts
    F1Display editor help, if the cursor is over the function name, help for the function is displayed

    CTRL+SPACEShow suggestions
    CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEShow quick info for procedure and function parameters

    CTRL+K CTRL+CAdd a comment to the Comment current line or comment selected block of text
    CTRL+K CTRL+UDelete a comment from Uncomment the current line or uncomment a selected block of text
    CTRL+/Add/remove Toggle a comment from on the current line
    SHIFT+ALT+AAdd/remove a comment from the current selection

    CTRL+F2Rename all occurrences
    F2Rename a symbol within its validity

    CTRL+FSearch in the script
    ENTERFind another occurrence
    SHIFT+ENTERFind the previous occurrence

    SHIFT+ALT+FFormat the entire script
    CTRL+K CTRL+FFormat the selected area

    CTRL+F12Go to definition
    CTRL+GGo to line
    ALT+F8Go to the next problem
    SHIFT+ALT+F8Go to the previous problem
    SHIFT+F12Go to references
    CTRL+SHIFT+OGo to symbol - displays the option to go to functions, variables, parameters defined in the script

    CTRL+SHIFT+F8Check script syntax
    CTRL+F8Compile the script
    CTRL+SCompile and save the script
    CTRL+1Opens a list of D2000 system objects.
    CTRL+2Opens a list of predefined constants.
    CTRL+3Opens a list of functions.
    CTRL+4Opens a list of actions.
    CTRL+5Opens a list of local variables.
    CTRL+6Opens a list of value attributes of an object or local variable.F2Save the script to the file
    F8Switch to debug mode

Popup menu
