Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


D2000 systems need the following minimum system requirements to function:

ParameterOdporúčaná konfiguráciaMinimálna konfigurácia
Processor2-core 2.4 GHz1.5 GHz1,5 GHz
Operating systemWindows 11, Windows 10Windows 10
RAM memory16 GB RAM and above4 GB RAM
Hard disk - ClientSSD disk, 5 GB free spaceminimumspaceminimum 2 GB free space
Hard disk - ServerSSD disk, 20 GB free spaceminimumspaceminimum 10 GB free space
Monitor - clientMonitor - client Screen resolution 1920×1080 and higherScreen resolution 800x600px
Network Network 100 Mbit network, TCP/IP protocolNetwork 100 Mbit network, TCP/IP protocol

* The stated requirements are indicative, the real requirements depend on many factors - especially the size of the D2000 application, the number and type of objects in D2000, the size of the archives, the complexity of the schemes, etc.


  • Windows 10 / Windows Server 2008 R2 2016 operating system or higher

D2000 V23 does not support lower Windows versions.

* If necessary, the D2000 application server components are also ported to the Linux operating system.

  Inštalácia systému System installation (Linux)  

Inštalačné požiadavky Linux Installation Requirements

The D2000 installation program automatically installs:
