Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


In a virtualized environment, both the speed and latency of the disks are important for the D2000 Archive. It should be noted that when archiving, hundreds and thousands of database tables for individual archive objects are written in parallel.
Note: for older D2000 installations, we recommend increasing the PostgreSQL ODBC parameter BatchSize (starting with PostgreSQL ODBC version 12.02) from the default value of 100 to 10000 - the change can speed up interval calculations (RECALC) and the INSERTARCHARR action.


In the case of using antivirus and antimalware programs (Microsoft Defender, ESET Nod, Symantec, and others, on the Linux platform e.g. McAfee 'OAS Manager'), it is necessary to correctly configure exceptions so that antiviruses do not overload the CPU and slow down the functionality of D2000 systems.


  • postgres.exe - SQL database (oracle.exe process for Oracle DB, dbsrv12.exe and dbeng12.exe processes for Sybase SQL Anywhere 12)
  • kernel.exe
  • kom.exe
  • calc.exe
  • dbmanager.exe, dbmanager_ora.exe
  • event.exe, event_edathin.exe
  • archiv.exe, archiv_ora.exe
  • gtwcli.exe, gtwsrv.exe
  • tcts.exe
  • alarm.exe

Note: Microsoft Defender documentation recommends entering the full path to the process (e.g. d:\D2000\D2000_EXE\bin\kernel.exe) in the exception to prevent malware from using the same file name and thus avoiding detection.

On the Linux platform:

  • postgres, postmaster
  • kernel
  • kom
  • calc
  • dbmanager, dbmanager_ora
  • event, event_edathin
  • archiv, archiv_ora
  • gtwcli, gtwsrv
  • tcts
  • alarm


  • the iotop utility is used to display statistics of disk operations
    iotop (interactive display of current values for individual processes)
    iotop -ao (display cumulative I/O statistics of individual processes)

  • ps utility (display information about individual processes)
    ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -nk 1 -r | head -20 (display all processes - CPU usage, process PID, username and arguments - and sort by CPU, showing the 20 processes with the highest CPU usage)

  • perf utility 
    perf top (displays the most demanding programs and procedures/libraries with the highest load)