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  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Basic keyboard shortcuts:

    CTRL+F1Display the complete list of actions together with keyboard shortcuts
    F1Display editor help, if the cursor is over the function name, help for the function is displayed

    CTRL+SPACEShow suggestions
    CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEShow quick info for procedure and function parameters

    CTRL+K CTRL+CAdd a comment to the Comment current line or comment selected block of text
    CTRL+K CTRL+UDelete a comment from Uncomment the current line or uncomment a selected block of text
    CTRL+/Add/remove Toggle a comment from on the current line
    SHIFT+ALT+AAdd/remove a comment from the current selection

    CTRL+F2Rename all occurrences
    F2Rename a symbol within its validity

    CTRL+FSearch in the script
    ENTERFind another occurrence
    SHIFT+ENTERFind the previous occurrence

    SHIFT+ALT+FFormat the entire script
    CTRL+K CTRL+FFormat the selected area

    CTRL+F12Go to definition
    CTRL+GGo to line
    ALT+F8Go to the next problem
    SHIFT+ALT+F8Go to the previous problem
    SHIFT+F12Go to references
    CTRL+SHIFT+OGo to symbol - displays the option to go to functions, variables, parameters defined in the script

    CTRL+SHIFT+F8Check script syntax
    CTRL+F8Compile the script
    CTRL+SCompile and save the script
    CTRL+1Opens a list of D2000 system objects.
    CTRL+2Opens a list of predefined constants.
    CTRL+3Opens a list of functions.
    CTRL+4Opens a list of actions.
    CTRL+5Opens a list of local variables.
    CTRL+6Opens a list of value attributes of an object or local variable.F2Save the script to the file
    F8Switch to debug mode

Popup menu


  • Go to Definition - cursor is automatically moved to the declaration of the identifier. When using "Go to definition" on the remote procedure (RPC/PUBLIC), the ESL editor automatically opens the script, which contains the definition of procedure, and moves the cursor on the definition.
  • Go to References (SHIFT + F12) - a nested editor is displayed with the option to switch between the individual references of the local variable/procedure.
  • Go to Symbol... (CTRL + SHIFT + O) - a selection box with filtering of all symbols (local variables, procedure parameters, procedures) is displayed, after selecting the symbol and pressing the ENTER key the cursor is moved to the symbol definition.
  • Peek - here are two options:
    • Peek Definition (ALT + F12) - the nested editor is displayed at the position of the local variable/procedure definition.
    • Peek References - a nested editor is displayed with a reference to a local variable/procedure, with a list of individual references in the right part.
  • Rename Symbol (F2) - renames the name of the local and global variable defined in the script within its scope.
  • Change All Occurrences (CTRL + F2) - this allows replacing all occurrences of the specified text within the script.
  • Format Document (SHIFT + ALT + F) - adjusts the formatting of the document, applying the currently set indentation.
  • Editor settings - displays the ESL editor settings dialog (font and colors).
  • Show All Instances - shows the list of all running instances of the edited ESL script.
  • Cut (CTRL + X) - copies the selected content to the clipboard and removes it from the editor,
  • Copy (CTRL + C) - copies the selected content to the clipboard,
  • Paste (CTRL + V) - pastes the contents of the clipboard.
  • Command Palette (CTRL + F1) - displays all available actions in the editor

Editor settings

General settings

Allows user personalize editor


by modifying various settings

Static analysis

Allow user enable/disable different types of code validations and set their severity. Severity affects how error is displayed in editor

Color settings


For better orientation in the ESL script, the editor uses a different coloring scheme for each type of the individual text tokens. Default coloring parameters can be modified using the ESL editor settings dialog.There are three editor color themes - dark, light and high-contrast theme.

Image AddedImage Removed


ESL Editor within String detects the references to the dictionary. If some reference to a dictionary (key), which has not been defined yet, is identified, it will be colored as an Error (see the dialog above).
