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System interfaces provide wide possibilities for the utilization of a particular application. The basic meaning of interfaces is to provide an application programmer programmers with complex and integrated facilities. The facilities allows him/her allow them access to the data, which the D2000 system getsreceives, manages and presents.

Nowadays, there are 6 types of interfaces implemented in the D2000 system:

D2000 ODBC DriverThe interface represents data contained in the system in a form of ODBC
D2000 Java APIIt implements
access to the D2000 System from the environment of an external Java application.
D2000 OBJApiAccess to data in the system by means of standard programming languages. Actual implementation directly supports the languages C a C++. 
D2000 VBApiAccess to data in the system from the environment of Visual Basic or Visual Basic for MS Excel.
D2000 KomAPIA specialized interface for the extension of the set of communication protocols of the D2000 KOM process
D2000 KOM
D2000 OPC ServerStandard OPC (OLE for Process Control) interface.
D2000 OPC UA ServerStandard OPC Unified Architecture (OLE for Process Control) interface.