Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Search by index in the container:  In the search box you You can enter the index of the element whose content we want to see into the search box. The input can be a specific element index, for example 1258, ... or a range of the element indexes, for example 1-52-101-9999, ...:

  • Search by by key: To search for an element by key, the key must be enclosed in quotation marks. 
    • If the key is (as a string or as a number), you must enter this key as "5" in the search box 
    • If the key is (as a string), you must enter this key as "x":

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    • If the key is "w" (as a string), you must enter this key as ""w"":

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In the left part of the window there are keys of elements of the container, while in the right part of the window there are details of individual elements.

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