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A structure of the created project consists of user-editable and automatically generated parts and source code. The application classes of events/pictures (hereafter scripts) are stored in the source "appsrc".

Source directoryImage Modified

The scripts can be edited only after the object has been opened to edit, i.e. events opened in the  D2000 CNF and pictures opened in the D2000 GrEditor. After opening the object in the D2000 CNF/D2000 GR both the user and generated parts of the script will be copied on the disc. The source "appsrc" needs to be refreshed (F5) in Eclipse, it which means the environment restores the script. The script will display in tree structure "appsrc" in the library (package) "app.runnables". The other libraries in "appsrc" are generated and can not be changed.

Script in tree structureImage Modified

Clicking on the script you can edit it. To save the script in D2000 System you must the first save it in Eclipse and then save the object D2000, to which this script belongs to, in the D2000 CNF/D2000 GR - the script is loaded from the disc into the D2000 System, compiled, saved into a configuration database and ready to be done.

Eclipse plug-in


Eclipse plug-in is used to support an application class editing. If it is activated, it disables the opening of the script of a picture or event until is opened in the D2000 GrEditor or D2000 CNF. After the script is saved in Eclipse, it will be saved in the D2000 process.
Plug-in is tested on the Eclipse 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 versions.



Copy the file d2plugin.jar from the directory D2000.EXE\bin\ into eclipse\plugins\ and start Eclipse up. The plug-in icon will display in the toolbar.


Plug-in is activated by clicking on the icon (next clicking deactivates the plug-in). Start the processes D2000 GrEditor and (or) D2000 CNF before the plug-in activation. A running plug-in searches a project, the path of which is %application_folder%\java\eclipseproject. If the plug-in finds the project, it locks all the scripts of pictures and events.
