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ESL source code of Picture or Event objects (depending on their configuration) consists of two parts – client-side (Local) and server-side (Remote). From the view of configuration, these two parts behave as inseparable unitunits.

The identifiers that indicates indicate the local variables, declared in one part of the ESL script, are not available in the other one. As regards the object of Picture Picture type, the variables, declared at the picture level within the D2000 GrEditor, are visible in both parts of the ESL script.

The identifiers that indicates indicate the procedures are not visible automatically in the other part of the ESL script. The RPC procedures represent the common interface of both ESL scripts. Therefore, the declaration of the same RPC procedure is considered an error in both scripts.

For mutual calling of RPC procedures (between ESL scripts that are the part of the configuration of one object), there the following notation can be used the following entry:

CALL [] RPCProcedure.....

A syntax structure construction [] simplified the addressing (you need not define the called object does not need to be defined). If the RPCProcedure is in the same script, internally there the local calling will be internally used the local calling (without input queue).

The handling of all events (except for the defined exceptions) can be defined in both scripts. When the a particular event occurs, the system ensures the calling of both handleshandlers. From the view of D2000 HI, the exceptions to this rule are the synchronous events that expects the expect a response - return value (IN OUT parameter) from the ESL script. These events can be handled only in one ESL script.
