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"Edit" toolbar

The toolbar Edit provides controls to edit created graphic objects. It allows you to copy, move, group together, ungroup, rotate and delete. Meaning The meaning of individual buttons is listed in the following table.

CopyImage Modified
Copy and paste the graphic object (selection of objects) - duplicate Image Modified.
Bring forwardImage Removed

Image Added

Bring the object one step closer to the front More information ...Image Modified.
Send backwardImage Removed

Image Added

Send the object one step toward the back More information...Image Modified.
Bring to topImage Removed

Image Added

Bring the object to the front More information...Image Modified.
Image Removed

Image Added

Send the object to the back More information...Image Modified.
Image Removed

Image Added

Group the graphic objects More information...Image Modified.
Image Removed

Image Added

Ungroup the graphic objects More information...Image Modified.
RegroupImage Removed

Image Added

Regroup the previous group More information...Image Modified.
Align leftImage Removed

Image Added

Drawing subpictures and components

Image Added

Align the graphic objects to the left More information...Image Modified.
Align centerImage Removed

Image Added

Align the graphic objects to the centre (x) More information...Image Modified.
Align rightImage Removed

Image Added

Align the graphic objects to the right More information...Image Modified.
Align topImage Removed

Image Added

Align the graphic objects to the top More information...Image Modified.
Align middleImage Removed

Image Added

Align the graphic objects in the middle (y) More information...Image Modified.
Align bottomImage Removed

Image Added

Align the graphic objects to the bottom More information...Image Modified.
DistanceImage Removed

Image Added

The same width of objects

Image Added

Distance by two first objects


in the X-axis direction More information...Image Modified.

DistanceImage Removed

Image Added

Distance by the first and last object
in the X-axis direction More information...Image Modified.
DistanceImage Removed

Image Added

The same height of objects

Image Added

Distance by the first two objects
in the Y-axis direction More information...Image Modified.
DistanceImage Removed

Image Added

Distance by the first and last object
in the Y-axis direction More information...Image Modified.
Image Removed

Image Added

Flip the graphic object horizontal More information...Image Modified.
Image Removed

Image Added

Flip the graphic object vertical More information...Image Modified.
Delete objectImage Removed

Image Added


Image Added

Usage of the term from language Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added..

Delete the graphic object More information...Image Removed


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