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The action establishes a connection to a database (open opens a database).


Blok kódu
 SQL_CONNECT dbObjIdent, handleIdent_Int, retCodeIdent_Int [TRANS _transHandle_Int]

Blok kódu
SQL_CONNECT connectString, handleIdent_Int, retCodeIdent_Int ON dbManIdent


dbObjIdentin Reference to an object of the Database or Database table types.
connectStringinIdentifier of the Text type or a text constant containing a
connection string to the database.
dbManIdent_IntinReference to an object of the Process type (DbManager),
which will
be executed
execute the required commands.
handleIdent_Intout Identifier - the unique number (handle) of a connection.
retCodeIdent_IntoutReturn code identifier.
transHandle_Intin Identifier for an unique number (handle) of the connection to a database.

Return code
The value of the parameter transHandle_Int. See the table of error codes. It is possible to get extended error information.
Identifier for a number (handle) of the connection which is used during another work with an opened database. Return code describes the action success (__ERR_NO_ERROR).

An A unique number (identifier, handle) is assigned to each opening of a database by a script. It is necessary to close this number using the action SQL_DISCONNECT, when having finished the work with the database. If all databases (opened by this script during its activity) are not to be closed by calling the action SQL_DISCONNECT after the script termination, they will be closed automatically. Handle is valid only within the frame of a script, that which opened the database.

The action SQL_CONNECT always opens a database (not a table, unlike the actions DB_CONNECT and PG_CONNECT), because it allows to work with a whole database (all tables contained in it) via a connection created by this way. If an object of Database table is used to open a database, the database will be internally opened by means of its parent, so an object of Database.

Opened database may be determined by an object of the Database or Database table type (the first declaration type) or by so-called connect string (the second declaration type).
In the first type, it is not necessary to enter the name of a process of DbManager type that will be interpret follow commands, because this is given by the parent relation between an object of Database type and the process. The command SQL_CONNECT will use the configuration parameters User, Password and DSN from the object configuration of particular object of Database type.
The second declaration type allows to create creating the connection to an database on the basis of knowing the Name, Password and DSN using so-called connect string. It contains:
"UID=user name;PWD=user password;DSN=DSN name".
The key words keywords UID, PWD and DSN represent values of individual parameters. If some of them is not entered, it will be substituted by a null string. This declaration type requires to specifyspecifying, using a reference, a process of DbManager type, that which will be provide provided for the execution of individual commands. Next THe next optional parameters of connection string are related to optimization and are described together with the process the DbManager process

If a database is opened using an object of the Database or Database Table type, it is able to enter transHandle_Int. Thereby all SQL_* commands are to be executed within the frame of the specified Connection. The connection must be created before using the action DB_TRANS_OPEN. If the clause TRANS is not stated, there will be used  the Automatic connection.

If a database is opened by a connect connection string, the process DbManager always creates a new connection to the database. If the key word keyword ACD (Auto Commit Disable) is placed in the connect connection string, then the mode Auto Commit is disabled within the frame of this new connection, an it is necessary to execute the command Commit manually.  

Work with a database (actions SQL_...).

Blok kódu
 INT  _handle    ; handle to database
 INT  _retCode   ; return code
 TEXT _name      ; product name
 TEXT _type      ; product type
                 ; parameterized SQL command
 TEXT _sql =  "SELECT Name, Type FROM Products WHERE ID>= #PAR# AND ID<= #PAR#" 
 SQL_CONNECT MyDatabase, _handle, _retCode
 SQL_PREPARE _handle, _retCode, _sql BINDOUT _name, _type
 SQL_BINDIN  _handle, _retCode, 1, 100 ; read all products between 1 and 100
   SQL_FETCH _handle, _retCode
   EXIT_LOOP _retCode #  _ERR_NO_ERROR
   ; data processing goes here
 SQL_FREE _handle

titleRelated pages:

Script actions