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Importing archive databases from D2000 V3.65 (OS/2)

For upgrading from the version D2000 V3.65 (OS/2) to a version D2000 V4.XX (Windows NT) with no loss of historical data from archive databases, there were created two methods of data transfer into new databases:

  • On-line archive database import - program for on-line data conversion from the archive of OS/2 to NT is able to read the archive database in the format SQL GUPTA and provides data fro from the archive process, which on-line stores the data into the current archive. This method allows the complete conversion of archive data between the platforms OS/2 and NT.
  • Conversion of depository databases (and then import of depository databases) - the conversion program converts and joins depository databases created in the format SQL GUPTA to the format SQL Sybase, in off-line mode. The process D2000 Archiv is able to import the depository databases into the current archive database in on-line mode.

On-line archive database import


The LoadOS2Arc program reads the archive database created in the format SQL GUPTA, converts data to the format used in the current archive and provides them to the archive process. It requires the installation SQLBase Server 5.2.1 for Windows NT for its work. 

Import procedure:

  1. The system is started after the configuration database conversion. In the empty archive database, the archive generates structures corresponding to the configuration of historical values.
  2. The TELL command IMPORT_DATA entered from the process D2000 Application Manager activates the process D2000 Archiv for data the receiving.
  3. The database intended for the import is renamed to "ARCHIVE_NAME".DBS (the name may not contain the underscore - such a name is not admissible for the used SQL version) and is placed to in the directory "ARCHIVE_NAME". The directory "ARCHIVE_NAME" must be created in the directory defined by the parameter dbdir in SQL.INI.
  4. DBNT5SV.EXE will be started (SQLBase Server 5.2.1 for Windows NT). The menu Display/Databases allows to verify verifying the archive database opening.
  5. The program LoadOS2Arc for the database import will be with using the following parameters:
    • ARC = ARCHIVU_NAME - e.g. if just one archive is used in the system, the name is SELF
    • SRV = SERVER_GUPTA_NAME  - optional parameter (Default value is SERVER1)
  6. After the export finishing, the Tell command STOP_IMPORT_DATAdeactivates an archive process feature - to receive an external data.

Stored external data does not cause any backward evaluation of statistical values in the archive. The attribute LoadData is adjusted in archive attributes of all imported data.

Conversion of depository databases


The conversion program requires to install:


The program TrezorCnv is intended to convert depository databases created in the versions D2000 V3.11 and V3.65 ( OS/2, SQL Gupta). It allows to join joining more depositories into one. The result is a new depository database in the format equal with to depository databases used in D2000 V4.xx (Windows NT, SQL Sybase). The program operation is controlled by a script placed in the file CONVERT.TXT in the current directory. The script contains two parts. In the SETTINGS part, there are settings that are valid during the script execution. The WORK part contains the sequence of operations, that controls the depository database creation.

Control script - example:

Blok kódu
 ParalelWork = NO 
 MaxBatchSize = 50000 
 DriverName = Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0 
 TrezorCompressPath =d:\Trezor\Compress 
 TrezorPath = d:\Trezor 
 TemplateDir = d:\D2000\Templates 
 SqlBaseDir = d:\SqlBase 
 TrezorVer = Ver3.11 ; Ver3.65
 NEW = d:\TREZOR.OLD\A990201d.dbs 
 ADD = d:\TREZOR.OLD\A990206m.DBS 
 ADD = d:\TREZOR.OLD\A990212k.DBS 
 ADD = d:\TREZOR.OLD\A990217v.DBS 
 ADD = d:\TREZOR.OLD\A990224c.DBS 

Parameters in the SETTINGS part:

Required key word that
The required keyword marks the script part.
ParallelWorkPossible values: YES or NO.  If the parameter is enabled, the program reads simultaneously the previous depository and stores data
in the current depository. It may offer better performance, if, for example, the depositories are on the different disks.
MaxBatchSizeDefines the maximum number of items in the queue for storing
in the new depository.
DriverNameName of the installed ODBC driver for Sybase.
It may be detected --> Control Panel\ODBC Data Source Administrator\Drivers.
TrezorCompressPathPath for saving the result packed database.
TrezorPathDirectory, where the new depository is to be created.
TemplateDirDirectory, where the template of the new depository database is placed in.
SqlBaseDirDirectory, where the previous depository and correction databases will be copied in. It must
contain a directory structure matching the SQL Gupta rules.
TrezorVerDefines the version of the previous depository database. Possible values: Ver3.11 or Ver3.65.

Parameters in the WORK part:

Required key word that
The required keyword marks the script part.
NEW = path\name.dbsCommand for the conversion of a given depository into a new depository database.
ADD = path\name.dbsCommand for the conversion of a given depository into an existing depository database.
CORRECT = path\name.dbsCommand for the conversion of a given correction database into an existing depository database.
CNV_DIR = pathCommand for the conversion of a given directory. The program converts the directory contents so that the command NEW is used for the first depository (they are processed in
alphabetical order) and the command ADD for
the another
other ones. Then the command CORRECT is used for all the correction databases from the directory.
PACKCompression of result depository database.
ENDProgram termination.

The command:


allows to substitute the following commands:
