Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


When the object is selected, it is outlined by a dashed line rectangle with black squares placed in the corners and sides (the position of squares depends on the graphic object type). Such a selected object can be edited - moved, resized, changed its color etc.
The following examples show selected graphic objects.

Example 1Image Modified
Example 2Image Modified
Example 3Image Modified

Seeing that several graphic objects can be placed in one position in a picture, a situation when you have selected other another object than you want can occur. In this case, do the followsfollowing.

Go to


another graphic object

  1. Press and hold down the ALT key.
  2. Point the mouse cursor to the graphic object you want to select and click.
  3. Keep clicking until you select the required object.
  4. Release the ALT key.
