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%HI_SetPicturePos function

The function sets the position of the picture either on the screen or on the desktop of the process D2000 HI process.
Blok kódu
   INT in x,
   INT in y,
   INT in _from := 0
xDistance of the left picture margin from the left screen margin or the left desktop margin (according to the parameter _from).
yDistance of the top picture margin from the top screen margin or the top desktop margin (according to the parameter _from).
fromOptional parameter. Possible values:
  • 0 - original (default) behaviour (see the article Note)
  • 1 - position on the
  • screen 
  • 2 - position on the desktop of the process D2000 HI
Note 1
Original (default) behaviour of the function (i.e. if the parameter _from is not defined or its value is 0).

The function sets the picture positions as follows:

A. for dialog or dialog modal picture windows

xDistance of the left picture margin from the left screen margin.
yDistance of the top picture margin from the top screen margin.

B. for other picture windows (so-called MDI picture windows)

xDistance of the left picture margin from the left margin of the HI desktop.
yDistance of the top picture margin from the top margin of the HI desktop.
Note 2
The functions are not designed for working with so-called dock pictures and for setting the positions of subpictures (i.e. pictures placed in picture).
Note 3
This function is available also in %HIX_ version.