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Depository databases are available on Sybase, Oracle and PostgreSQL platforms and their features depends on the possibilities of respective platforms. For Microsoft SQL Server platform, resp. Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE) platform, depository databases are not implemented.

Note: To find out about the configuration of depository database, use a TELL command LIST_TREZOR.

Depository databases on Sybase platform


Configuration of the process D2000 Archiv contains a configured time period TrezorPeriod, during which the process writes data to one depository database. When this period elapses, the database is released and the system starts storing data into new database. The released database is available for storing delayed data for a defined time (configuration parameter TrezorCompressTime). After this time the database is compressed by Sybase tools and moved to directory specified by configuration parameter TrezorCompressPath. The name of compressed database contains end time of the repository database (e.g. Trezor_2008_03_20_16.cdb).

Note: Compression of Sybase databases is implemented by supported versions Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6 to 9. Starting with the version Sybase SQL Anywhere 12, the utility for database compression does not exist any more and compressed databases are considered to be an obsolete. Therefore if you use Sybase SQL Anywhere 11, the depository databases are not being compressed but they remain in directory specified by configuration parameter TrezorCompressPath, as files .db and .log (e.g. Trezor_2010_02_04_07.db and Trezor_2010_02_04_07.log).

Early releasing the depository database can be performed using the TELL command RELEASE_TREZOR.

Off-line analysis of the data from the depository database is possible without performing any decompression. The support for data import from depository database into MS EXCEL was created for the analysis. As the Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere is a standard SQL server, any tool suitable for work with SQL databases can be used for the analysis.


  • Kotva
    AutoMountPath - path to a directory from which all the depositories will be mounted automatically after the start of the process D2000 Archiv
  • Kotva
    TrezorPath - path to the directory, the depository databases are created in
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressPath - path to the directory for storing the compressed depository databases
  • Kotva
    TrezorPeriod - period of the depository creation. It is specified in format NX, where N is an integer number and X defines a time unit.
    Permitted time units are: H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.
    Note: Setting the parameter either to empty value or to 0H disables the functionality of depository databases.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressTime - time defining the compression of the released depository database. The database is available for writing delayed data during this time. Value of TrezorCompressTime must be less than value of TrezorPeriod.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressOffline - value 1 (default) means that compressed depository database will remain offline. Value 0 means that compressed depository database will be re-connected and available for reading.

The parameters TrezorPeriod and TrezorCompressTime can be given in hours, days, weeks or months. The syntax is e.g.:

  • 4H - four hours
  • 2D - two days
  • 1W - one week
  • 1M - one month

Note: It is possible to query the configuration of depository databases and currently mounted depository databases by Tell command LIST_TREZOR.

Warning: When Depository database is created or if it does not exist, the process D2000 Archiv of database templates copies the template of depository database and starts its structure. Because of this it is not allowed to copy the templates of depository database manually as process D2000 Archiv does not initiate depository database when it finds it in directory \Trezor of application directory.


Depository database is implemented as an independent tablespace named APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID, where ID=1,2.. etc (e.g. TEST_TS_TREZOR5). The tablespace contains datafiles - their number is defined by the parameter TrezorCountDatafiles (1, by default). Datafiles are generated in the TrezorPath directory.
If TrezorCountDatafiles=1, the datafile name is APPLICATION_TS_TREZORxxID_YYYYMMDD.ORA.
If TrezorCountDatafiles>1, the datafile names are APPLICATION_TS_TREZORxxID_01_YYYYMMDD.ORA, APPLICATION_TS_TREZORxxID_02_YYYYMMDD.ORA etc, where xxID is ID enhanced from the left with zero to the length of 4 characters and YYYYMMDD is the depository database creation date, e.g. TEST_TS_TREZOR0005_03_20060930.ORA. Datafile size is specified by the parameter TrezorStartDatafileSize, the parameter TrezorMaxDatafileSize allows to specify the maximum datafile size.

Similarly to Sybase, the configuration of the process D2000 Archiv contains a configured time period TrezorPeriod, during which the process writes data to one depository database. When this period elapses, the database is released and the process starts storing values into a new database. The released database is available for storing delayed data for a given time (configuration parameter TrezorCompressTime). After expiration of this time, the tablespace is first switched into read-only mode (ALTER TABLESPACE APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID READ ONLY) and then if value of parameter TrezorCompressOffline=1, switched to offline mode (ALTER TABLESPACE APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID OFFLINE). If the parameters TrezorPath and TrezorCompressPath are defined, datafiles are to be moved to the TrezorCompressPath directory.
After releasing a depository database (and possible moving), it is possible to run an external program - its name and path to it is defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd and its parameters are defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressPar.

The TELL command RELEASE_TREZOR allows releasing a depository database before time.
The process D2000 Archiv creates its internal list of depository database - the table Trezors.

Note 1: When switching tablespace to read-only mode, Oracle requires no active transactions in the whole database. The process D2000 Archiv therefore commits records to the archive as well as active depository database. Important - the database containing the tablespace must not be used for other transactions that could take more time, because the depository parts of the archive will be blocked until the transactions are finished (see the parameter TrezorReadOnlyTimeout).

Note 2: Maximum length of tablespace name in Oracle is 30 characters. That limitation must be taken into account when defining an application name - the name APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID (or APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID_seg in use of  depository database segments) cannot be longer than 30 characters.

Note 3: Oracle database can contain as many datafiles as defined by the parameter DB_FILES in the initialisation file of the database. Therefore, set up the value of the parameter to sufficient value before creating depository databases is enabled.


Since the 7.01.10 version, the process D2000 Archiv supports the concept of depository database segments on Oracle platform. Depository database segments is a depository database tablespace, several of which can be created and filled in parallel. Each historical value is stored in one segment, the number of which is specified by the parameter Depository segment in the historical value configuration.

The number of segments created by the process D2000 Archiv is specified by the parameter TrezorCountSegments in the Windows registry. Historical values with the parameter depository segment higher than the value of the parameter TrezorCountSegments are to be stored in zero depository segment (it is the segment that is also created when depository database segments are disabled).

The main purpose of depository database segments is creation of several smaller depository databases so that reading of one historical value for a long time interval requires less disk space (because only specific segments containing that historical value need to be mounted) - compared to mounting all non-segmented depository databases for required time interval.
Having depository database segments enabled, the name of zero segment tablespace is APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID (identical with the name of the depository database tablespace if segments are disabled) and the names of all another segments are APPLICATION_TS_TREZORID_seg, where seg is a double-digit number of segment (between 01 and TrezorCountSegments).

If TrezorCountDatafiles=1, the names of datafiles are APPLICATION_TS_TREZORxxID_Syy_YYYYMMDD.ORA
If TrezorCountDatafiles>1, the names of datafiles are APPLICATION_TS_TREZORxxID_Syy_zz_YYYYMMDD.ORA, where xxID is ID enhanced from the left with zero to the length of 4 characters, yy is the segment number enhanced from the left with zero to the length of 2 characters, z is the datafile number enhanced from the left with zero to the length of 2 characters and YYYYMMDD is the depository database creation time. Example: TEST_TS_TREZOR0005_S02_01_20060930.ORA

Note: Starting with D2000 version 7.02.010, there is possible to specify a different suffix of datafile than ORA by using the parameter TrezorDatafileSuffix.

Note: Default prefix of trezor depository tablespaces and datafiles APPLICATION_TS_TREZOR can be changed using the parameter TrezorPrefix.


All the configuration parameters in the Windows Registry are of String type, beside the parameters TrezorCountDatafiles, TrezorCountSegments, TrezorCountDatafiles and TrezorNoLogging of DWORD type.

  • Kotva
    TrezorPath - path to the directory, the datafiles of tablespaces are created in. You must also enter the character "\" after the directory name. If the parameter is not given, datafiles are created in the database directory.
  • TrezorCompressPath - path to the directory, the datafiles of tablespaces released are being moved to. You must also enter the character "\" after the directory name. Once the parameter TrezorCompressPath is defined, you must also define TrezorPath, otherwise datafiles not to be moved.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPeriod - period of the depository creation. It is specified in format NX, where N is an integer number and X defines a time unit.
    Permitted time units are: H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.
    Note: Setting the parameter either to empty value or to 0H disables the functionality of depository databases.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressOffline - value 1 (default) means that compressed depository database will be put into offline mode. Value 0 means that depository database remains in read-only mode and data will be available for reading. Value 2 means that D2000 Archiv will not access the depository database while TrezorPostCompressCmd is running, so that this command may perform various maintenance tasks which could otherwise block the archiv.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressTime - time for releasing depository tablespace. The tablespace is available for writing delayed data during this period. TrezorCompressTime must be less than TrezorPeriod.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCountSegments - number of depository database segments (depository database tablespaces), that are being created in parallel. Default value is 0 (only one segment 0 is being created), maximum value is 99 (segments 0 to 99 are being created). The parameter is of DWORD type !!!.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCountDatafiles - number of datafiles in tablespace, by default is 1 (the parameter is of DWORD type !!!).
  • Kotva
    TrezorStartDatafileSize - size of datafile that is to be created (in Oracle syntax, e.g. 500K, 300M). The parameter must be specified. 
    Note: For OpenVMS+Oracle 9.2.0.x platform, there is a problem with datafiles damaged at the size of 4GB - must be tested before!
  • Kotva
    TrezorMaxDatafileSize - maximum size of datafile (in Oracle syntax, e.g. 500K, 300M or UNLIMITED). If is not defined, size of datafile is specified at its creation (see the note for the previous parameter).
  • Kotva
    TrezorDatafileSizeStep - size of datafile increment (in Oracle syntax, e.g. 200K, 1M) during growth of the datafile (ON NEXT clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE command). If the parameter is not defined, the ON NEXT clause is not used and the increment is the database default value (8K, by default).
  • Kotva
    TrezorDatafileSuffix - suffix of datafile. Default value of this parameter is ORA.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPrefix - if this parameter is not set, prefix of trezor tablespaces and datafiles is APPLICATION_TS_TREZOR.
    Setting the value of TrezorPrefix changes this prefix. Parameter can be used together with parameter DbUsername when doing a migration of archive database from one application to another (or when renaming an application) and keeping the archive tablespace and existing trezors (i.e. setting the value of TrezorPrefix to OldApp_TS_TREZOR).
  • TrezorReadOnlyTimeout - specifies the timeout (in seconds) for switching depository database into READ ONLY mode. After expiration, the archive generates the system alarm "Changing trezor tablespace read-only takes more than 120 sec, possible Oracle lock!". Default value is 120 seconds.
  • Kotva
    - Parameter has a meaning only if depository segment are configured (non-zero value of TrezorCountSegments parameter). Activation of a parameter (value 1) instructs archive to read also from depository segment 0 when reading from any other depository segment. Reading from depository databases will be slower, but it enables to reconfigure historical values from default depository segment 0 to a different segment while keeping access to data previously stored in depository segment 0.
    The parameter TrezorReadSegment0 can be changed by TELL command SET_OPTION .
  • Kotva
    - name of a program to be run after releasing depository database and possible moving of datafiles of the depository database released. The program may be used e.g. to pack datafiles and copy them within network.
  • Kotva
    - optional parameter, used for the program specified by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd. It can contain optional text and predefined macros to be replaced before running the program:
    • #ID# - is replaced by depository database Id (e.g. 15).
    • #TREZOR# - is replaced by the depository tablespace name (e.g. TEST_TS_TREZOR5).
    • #SEGMENTS# - is replaced by the number of depository database segments (i.e. the value of the parameter TrezorCountSegments).
    • #FILES# - is replaced by the number of datafiles of depository database (i.e. value of the parameter TrezorCountDatafiles).
    • #FILE1#, #FILE2# etc. - is replaced by the name of corresponding datafile along with the path, if the path is defined by the parameter TrezorPath (e.g. C:\ora920\oradata\D2000\TEST_TS_TREZOR5_1.ORA).
    Example 1: There is enabled the creating of depository databases with one datafile to be packed into the file TrezorID.zip (ID=1,2 etc.) and moved to the directory D:\backup
    TrezorCountDatafiles 1
    TrezorPostCompressCmd C:\utils\zip.exe
    TrezorPostCompressPar -m D:\backup\Trezor#ID#.zip #FILE1#

    After releasing for example the depository database nr. 5, there is run the programa program can be run:
    C:\utils\zip.exe -m D:\backup\Trezor5.zip C:\ora920\oradata\D2000\TEST_TS_TREZOR5_1.ORA

    Example 2: Configuration, which will remount (using TELL command) the depository tablespace immediately after it is released by:
    TrezorPostCompressCmd c:\D2000\D2000.E70\bin\tell.exe
    TrezorPostCompressPar dst=SELF.ARC cmd="MOUNT_TREZOR #ID#" uid=myuser pwd=mypassword
  • TrezorNoLogging - the parameter of DWORD type, its non-zero value causes the depository tablespace to be created in the NOLOGGING mode. If its value is zero or doesn't exist, the depository tablespace is to be created in the LOGGING mode (it generates REDO logs and is restorable).


Oracle-based archives support creating the depository databases in a different database than the archive is in. TNS of the depository database is defined by the configuration parameter
TNS_Service_Name_Trezor. User name and password is the same as in archive database.
Parameter TNS_Service_Name_Trezor is located in registry in a branch belonging to the application and archive, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ipesoft\D2000V70\cfg_test\SELF.ARC
Database, in which depository will be created, must contain the archive tablespace (created in the same way as if archive was supposed to be located in this database) and appropriate archive user application_name_archiv, e.g. test_archiv.


Oracle-based archives support the configuration where two or more shadow archives work with a common depository database. Only an active instance of archive uses the depository database. Common depository database is defined by the setting of configuration parameter

Trezor_Active_Only (of REG_DWORD type) to a non-zero value. This parameter is located in the registry in a branch belonging to application and archive. As the archives are shadow archives, branch of the archive contains also instance number, generally HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ipesoft\D2000V70\cfg_APPLICATION_NAME\ARCHIVE_NAME.ARC_INSTANCE_NUMBER, e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ipesoft\D2000V70\cfg_test\SELF.ARC_2\)

Note 1: Parameter Trezor_Active_Only must be configured on all instances of shadow archive, otherwise the archives will block each other trying to write the same value to the depository database.


Depository database is implemented as an independent database. Names of depository databases are defined by configuration parameter PG_TrezorName0.
Similarly to Sybase, the configuration of the process D2000 Archiv contains a configured time period TrezorPeriod, during which the process writes data to one depository database. When this period elapses, the database is released and the process starts storing values into a new database. The released database is available for storing delayed data for a given time (configuration parameter TrezorCompressTime). After expiration of this time, a default read-only access is configured for the database (ALTER DATABASE APLIKACIA_TREZOR_#ID# SET default_transaction_read_only = true) and then if value of parameter TrezorCompressOffline=1, access to depository database is forbidden (update pg_database set datallowconn = false where datname = 'APLIKACIA_TREZOR_#ID#'). After disconnecting a depository database, it is possible to run an external program - its name and path to it is defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd and its parameters are defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressPar.
This program can for example move and compress a disconnected depository database or create a dump of read-only depository database via PostgreSql utility pg_dump .
Note 1: In order for a database user dba (used by D2000 Archiv to connect to PostgreSQL server), to create and disconnect the databases, it is recommended to grant dba user a superuser privilege ( ALTER ROLE dba WITH SUPERUSER; ).
Note 2: As every depository database (resp. every depository database segment) is a separate database, which is accessed by D2000 Archiv via a separate database connection, it is necessary to configure PostgreSQL server to permit sufficient number of connections (parameter max_connections), for D2000 Archiv to open connection to all mounted depository databases.


Depository database on PostgreSQL platform supports also depository database segments (similarly to Oracle platform). Depository database segment is a separate depository database, several of which can be created and filled in parallel. Each historical value is stored in one segment, the number of which is specified by the parameter Depository segment in the historical value configuration.

The number of segments created by the process D2000 Archiv is specified by the parameter TrezorCountSegments in the Windows registry. Historical values with the parameter depository segment higher than the value of the parameter TrezorCountSegments are to be stored in zero depository segment (it is the segment that is also created when depository database segments are disabled).


The main purpose of depository database segments is creation of several smaller depository databases so that reading of one historical value for a long time interval requires less disk space (because only specific segments containing that historical value need to be mounted) - compared to mounting all non-segmented depository databases for required time interval.


  • Kotva
    PG_CreateTrezor - SQL command for creating a depository database. Default value is
    where #TREZOR# is a name of depository database (defined by configuration parameter PG_TrezorName0 resp. for depository database segments 1..N by parameter PG_TrezorName). By default existence of tablespace named D2000 and template database template0 is required in PostgreSQL database server.
  • Kotva




    PG_TrezorFileMulti - parameter is active if also parameter PG_TrezorFilePath is specified. Parameter defines a multiplicator for the parameter CommitCount . Default value of this parameter is 10.

  • Kotva
    PG_TrezorFilePath - parameter can be used for PostgreSQL 9.5 and above. It activates writing to depository databases via files, which is 2 to 3-times faster than the standard batch insert via ODBC interface. After PG_TrezorFileMulti * CommitCount values are accumulated, they are stored into a file named archiv_<TrezorId>_<SegmentId>.txt (e.g. archiv_4_1.txt) in directory PG_TrezorFilePath and an UPSERT into a depository database is performed, using a foreign table mapped onto this file (using PostgreSQL extension file_fdw) as a source of data.
    The directory PG_TrezorFilePath must be available both for reading and writing to archive as well as to PostgreSQL database, therefore this parameter can be used if both archiv and database are on the same computer.

  • Kotva
    PG_TrezorName0 - mask for a name of created depository databases. If depository database segments are enabled, this mask will be used for segment 0. Default value is appname_TREZOR_#ID#, TrezorName0 - mask for a name of created depository databases. If depository database segments are enabled, this mask will be used for segment 0. Default value is appname_TREZOR_#ID#, where appname is the application's name and #ID# is replaced by the depository database number.
    E.g. for application named Test depository databases Test_TREZOR_1, Test_TREZOR_2, Test_TREZOR_3 etc will be created.
    Specified mask must contain text #ID#.
    Note: If default value not acceptable, custom value must be configured before enabling depository databases. Should value of this parameter be changed after some depository databases have been created, it is necessary to rename all existing depository databases according to newly specified mask. Kotvapg_trezornamepg_trezornamePG_TrezorName - mask for a name of created databases - depository database segments 1..N.
    Parameter is used only when TrezorCountSegments > 0. Default value is je appname_TREZOR_#ID#_#SEG#, where appname is the application's name , and #ID# is replaced by the depository database number and #SEG# is replaced by the segment number.
    E.g. for application named Test with number of segments equal to 1, depository databases Test_TREZOR_1, Test_TREZOR_1_1, Test_TREZOR_2, Test_TREZOR_2_2, Test_TREZOR_3, Test_TREZOR_3 _1 etc will be created.
    Specified mask must contain text #ID# and #SEG#.
    Note: If default value not acceptable, custom value must be configured before enabling depository databases. Should value of this parameter be changed after some depository databases have been created, it is necessary to rename all existing depository databases according to newly specified mask.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPeriod - period of the depository creation. It is specified in format NX, where N is an integer number and X defines a time unit.
    Permitted time units are: H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.
    Note: Setting the parameter either to empty value or to 0H disables the functionality of depository databases. KotvatrezorcompressofflinepgtrezorcompressofflinepgTrezorCompressOffline - value 1 (default) means that compressed depository database will be put into offline mode. Value 0 means that depository database remains in read-only mode and data will be available for reading KotvatrezorcompresstimepgtrezorcompresstimepgTrezorCompressTime - time for releasing depository database. The database is available for writing delayed data during this period. TrezorCompressTime must be less than TrezorPeriod. Kotvatrezorcountsegmentspgtrezorcountsegmentspg
    PG_TrezorName - mask for a name of created databases - depository database segments 1..N.
    Parameter is used only when TrezorCountSegments > 0. Default value is je appname_TREZOR_#ID#_#SEG#, where appname is the application's name, #ID# is replaced by the depository database number and #SEG# is replaced by the segment number.
    E.g. for application named Test with number of segments equal to 1, databases Test_TREZOR_1, Test_TREZOR_1_1, Test_TREZOR_2, Test_TREZOR_2_2, Test_TREZOR_3, Test_TREZOR_3_1 etc will be created.
    Specified mask must contain text #ID# and #SEG#.
    Note: If default value not acceptable, custom value must be configured before enabling depository databases. Should value of this parameter be changed after some depository databases have been created, it is necessary to rename all existing depository databases according to newly specified mask.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPeriod - period of the depository creation. It is specified in format NX, where N is an integer number and X defines a time unit.
    Permitted time units are: H - hour, D - day, W - week, M - month.
    Note: Setting the parameter either to empty value or to 0H disables the functionality of depository databases.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressOffline - value 1 (default) means that compressed depository database will be put into offline mode. Value 0 means that depository database remains in read-only mode and data will be available for reading. Value 2 means that D2000 Archiv will not access the depository database while TrezorPostCompressCmd is running, so that this command may perform various maintenance tasks which could otherwise block the archiv.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCompressTime - time for releasing depository database. The database is available for writing delayed data during this period. TrezorCompressTime must be less than TrezorPeriod.
  • Kotva
    TrezorCountSegments - number of depository database segments (depository databases), that are being created in parallel. Default value is 0 (only segment 0 is being created), maximum value is 99 (segments 0 to 99 are being created). The parameter is of DWORD type !!!.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPostCompressCmd - name of a program to be run after releasing depository database. This program can for example move and compress a disconnected depository database or create a dump of read-only depository database via PostgreSql utility pg_dump.
  • Kotva
    TrezorPostCompressPar - optional parameter, used for the program specified by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd. It can contain optional text and predefined macros to be replaced before running the program:
    • #ID# - is replaced by depository database Id (e.g. 5).
    • #OID# - is replaced by OID (object identifier) of depository database (OID is related to a name of directory containing respective database inside PostgreSQL tablespace).
    • #OID0#, #OID1#, #OID2# etc - is replaced by OIDs (object identifiers) of databases representing respective depository database segment 0, 1, 2 etc.
    • #TREZOR# - is replaced by the depository database name (e.g. Test_TREZOR_5).
    • #TREZOR0#, #TREZOR1#, #TREZOR2# etc - is replaced by the database name representing respective depository database segment.

    An example of a batch file used to perform a depository database maintenance and export as well as export of table trezors located in archive database MyApp.Archiv. The batch file requires as a parameter the name of depository database, which can be provided by setting the parameter TrezorPostCompressPar  to value #TREZOR#.

    rem Target directory for exports
    set MyDir=D:\Trezors_export\
    rem Set PGPASSWORD to password assigned to postgres user during installation
    set PGPASSWORD=MyPostgresPassword
    set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
    rem export of table trezors from the archive database
    pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -f "%MyDir%\MyApp_arc_trezors.dmp" --table \"trezors\" MyApp.Archiv >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    rem permit write access to depository database and cluster the data table
    echo alter database "%1" set default_transaction_read_only=false | psql -S -U postgres MyApp.Archiv >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    echo alter table data cluster on ix_data_rc | psql -S -U postgres %1 >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    echo cluster data | psql -S -U postgres %1 >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    rem set access to depository database back to read only
    echo alter database "%1" set default_transaction_read_only=true | psql -S -U postgres MyApp.Archiv >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -f "%MyDir%\%1.dmp" %1 >> %MyDir%\%1.log
    TrezorCountSegments - number of depository database segments (depository databases), that are being created in parallel. Default value is 0 (only segment 0 is being created), maximum value is 99 (segments 0 to 99 are being created). The parameter is of DWORD type !!!. KotvatrezorpostcompresscmdpgtrezorpostcompresscmdpgTrezorPostCompressCmd - name of a program to be run after releasing depository database. This program can for example move and compress a disconnected depository database or create a dump of read-only depository database via PostgreSql utility pg_dump . KotvatrezorpostcompressparpgtrezorpostcompressparpgTrezorPostCompressPar - optional parameter, used for the program specified by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd. It can contain optional text and predefined macros to be replaced before running the program:
  • #ID# - is replaced by depository database Id (e.g. 5).
  • #OID# - is replaced by OID (object identifier) of depository database (OID is related to a name of directory containing respective database inside PostgreSQL tablespace).
  • #OID0#, #OID1#, #OID2# etc - is replaced by OIDs (object identifiers) of databases representing respective depository database segment 0, 1, 2 etc.
  • #TREZOR# - is replaced by the depository database name (e.g. Test_TREZOR_5).
  • #TREZOR0#, #TREZOR1#, #TREZOR2# etc - is replaced by the database name representing respective depository database segment.