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Trieda The sk.ipesoft.sgcom.production.ScheduleImpl a jej vnorené triedy zabezpečujú plánovanie úloh a ich vykonávanie v naplánovanom čase. Využívajú sa na to jednovláknový class and its nested classes ensure that tasks are scheduled and executed at the scheduled time. A single-threaded scheduleExecutor (ScheduledExecutorService) and workExecutor (ExecutorService) s dynamickým počtom vlákien.
Do scheduleExecutor-u sa vkladajú úlohy, ktorých prácou je pravidelné opakovanie periodických udalostí z konfigurácie. Pre každú entitu PeriodicEvent je v scheduleExecutor-e jedna úloha. Pretože ide o jednovláknový ExecutorService, vykonanie zberu dát a ich odovzdanie sa presúva do workExecutor-awith a dynamic number of threads are used for this.
Tasks whose job is to periodically repeat periodic events from the configuration are inserted into the scheduleExecutor. There is one task in the scheduleExecutor for each PeriodicEvent entity. Since this is a single-threaded ExecutorService, the execution of data collection and transmission is moved to the workExecutor.