Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Since historical data is one of the most valuable items in SCADA and MES systems, the archive process is one of the first to be configured as redundant. On two (or more) computers, a pair of watchdog + D2000 Archiv process processes is configured using the SCS Config utility with the parameter /W<name>,<instance> indicating the name and number of the instance (e.g. /WSELF,1 or /WSELF,2) and with the parameter /S, /RD, or /RF specifying the server or redundancy group to which the archive connects (see Starting user processes).


Historical value filled from a script (value storage) serves as a store of values that are not created by direct archiving of values of another object in the system, statistical calculation, or calculation in a calculated historical value. Filling in values is only possible from the ESL script or manually through the D2000 HI process. The value storage can be variable or periodic. The periodic value storage can have value playback enabled - in real time it publishes the values that were previously inserted by the script (e.g. production planning data).

