Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.

Conditional expression

The form of a conditional expression is as follows:

{Condition} ? [expression1] : [expression2]


Condition is:

  • an object that acquires a value of Boolean type
  • a logical expression enclosed in any type of brackets - { }, ( ) or [ ]


The result value of an expression that is evaluated is the result of the conditional expression. Just the expression, for which the Condition is met, is evaluated.

If a function, that uses its previous internal state (e.g. %PrevV, %Integral,...) for evaluation, is included in the expression that has not been evaluated, the internal state is not correct!


The task is to indicate the state , when the water level (the object Water_level) in the cistern falls under the minimum (the object Minimum).

We define a new eval tag called Low_level of logical type, which value is determined by the expression:


If the arithmetical expression {Water_level < Minimum} is true, then the value of the object Low_level is TRUE, otherwise, the value is FALSE. The object Low_level is to be evaluated if a change of the input objects occurs (i.e. when Water_level or Minimum has changed).

titleRelated pages:

Mathematical apparatus for Events and Eval tags
