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In the interface D2000 VBApi, the structure VBApi_TUniVal is used for the presentation of the current values of objects and also values from the archive. It contains all available information about the object value. Logical values (LV) are represented by an integer value, where the value 0 represents False and the value 1 represents True. The value type array is not supported on the structure level.


Blok kódu
Type VBApi_TUniVal
   Valid As Long - Value validity (value type : LV)
     Weak As Long - WEAK attribute (LV)
     Transient As Long - Transient state (LV)
     Default As Long - Default value attribute (LV)
     valueType As Long - Value type
     statType As Long - Value limits
     ValTime As Date - Value occurrence time
     bFlags As Long - User's flags of value (A..P)
     bArchFlags As Long - Archive attributes of value
     ' items, which contain own value according to the value type are mentioned above
     valueINT As Long - For types: Bo, Int, St, Al, Pr, Qx
     valueTXT As String - For type Text
     valueRE As Double - For types: Re, TmR
     valueTm As Date - For type: TmA
 End Type

Constants for the item valueType:

Blok kódu
Public Const NAN = 0 - No type
 Public Const Bo = 1 - Logical type
 Public Const Inte = 2 - Value of Integer type
 Public Const Re = 3 - Value of Real type
 Public Const St = 4 - Value of station type
 Public Const Al = 5 - Value of Alarm type
 Public Const Pr = 6 - Value of Process type
 Public Const TmA = 7 - Value of Absolute time type
 Public Const TmR = 8 - Value of Time interval type
 Public Const Txt = 9 - Value of  Text type
 Public Const arr = 10 - Value of Array type
 Public Const QX = 11 - Qadrat value
 Public Const Rec = 12 - Structure

Constants for the item statType:

Blok kódu
Public Const InLimit = 0
 Public Const VL_Limit = 1
 Public Const L_Limit = 2
 Public Const H_Limit = 3
 Public Const VH_Limit = 4
 Public Const LimitsProblem = 5

Constants for the item bFlags:
User flags are represented by an integer value, where its individual bits, in the binary pattern, represent the individual flags. 0. bit (zero bit) is assigned to the flag, 1. bit is assigned to the flag B....

Bit masks for the test of the settings of individual bits are defined by the following constants:

Blok kódu
Public Const BF_A = 1
 Public Const BF_B = 2
 Public Const BF_C = 4
 Public Const BF_D = 8
 Public Const BF_E = 16
 Public Const BF_F = 32
 Public Const BF_G = 64
 Public Const BF_H = 128
 Public Const BF_I = 256
 Public Const BF_J = 512
 Public Const BF_K = 1024
 Public Const BF_L = 2048
 Public Const BF_M = 4096
 Public Const BF_N = 8192
 Public Const BF_O = 16384
 Public Const BF_P = 32768

The logical operator and between an integer value and the particular constant is in VB interpreted as a bitwise AND.

Constants for the item bArchFlags:
In case, that we work with a value from the archive, there is used the item bArchFlags. For the current values, its value is always 0. It contains the additional information about the historical value. Representation of individual flags is similar to the item.
Bit masks for the test of the settings of individual flags are defined by the following constants:


Other structure items contain their own value, where the values for individual types are placed in items according to the following table:

Structure itemValidity for types
ValueINTBo, Int, St, Al, Pr, Qx
ValueRERe, TmR

VBApi_TLogRec structure


Blok kódu
Public Const Prty_Info_Log = 0
 Public Const Prty_Warning_Log = 1
 Public Const Prty_Alarm_Log = 2
 Public Const Prty_CriticalAlarm_Log = 3
 Public Const Prty_Error_Log = 4

As the structure VBApi_TlogRec describes various types of events, the meaning of individual items is not steady. It is, therefore, suitable to confront their contents with by browsing the log database in process the D2000 HI process.

titleRelated pages:

D2000 VBApi
