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PG_DELETE action

Deleting a row in a table.


Blok kódu
 PG_DELETE handleIdent_Int, pageNrIdent_Int, rowInPageIdent_Int, retCodeIdent_Int [ORAHINT hintIdent_Str]


handleIdent_IntinIdentifier of the Int type (handle) of the connection with a table (returned by the action PG_CONNECT).
inIdentifier of the Int type of the page, where the deleted row is placed in.
rowInPageIdent_IntinIdentifier of the Int type of the serial number of a row deleted on the given page.
retCodeIdent_IntoutIdentifier of the Int type - action success.
hintIdent_StrinExpression of the String type
which defines Oracle SQL hint. It is used as an instruction for the performance optimizer of the SQL command. The value is used without the opening and terminating characters /*+ <orahint> */.
The example is mentioned here.

Return code
The value of the parameter transHandle_Int. See the table of error codes. It is possible to get extended error information.
Table must be opened with the access _DB_MODIFY. The action will delete a row given by the serial number (the identifier rowInPageIdent_Int, numbering from 1 ....) from a page with the given serial number (the identifier pageNrIdent_Int, numbering from 1 ...).

For using the function on Microsoft SQL Server platform, there must be defined the primary key or at least unique index for a table from the platform. For the platform Sybase and Oracle, the function works without these limitations.

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Script actions