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%HI_RefreshData function

The function %HI_RefreshData (Control functions) may be used:
  • for displayer of Browser type - it updates displayed data. It also allows to change the selection condition or sorting of data.
  • for displayer of Report type (containing the report of Crystal report type) - it sets the values of parameters, for which the function %HI_ReportPar was called.

Blok kódu
   INT in refId
   [, TEXT in whereStr
   [, TEXT in orderByStr
   [, in par1[, in par2[, ...]]]]]

Blok kódu
 BOOL %HI_RefreshDataSync(
   INT in refId
   [, TEXT in whereStr
   [, TEXT 
 BOOL in orderByStr
   [, in par1[, in par2[, ...]]]]]

Blok kódu
    INT in refId
    , INT in transHandle
   [, TEXT in whereStr
   [, TEXT in orderByStr
   [, in par1[, in par2[, ...]]]]]


refIdReference to graphic object (reference variable).
transHandleA unique number (handle) of the connection to a database obtained by calling the DB_TRANS_OPEN action.
whereStrSQL condition WHERE for selection limit of displayed data (for Browser type only).
Entering the condition #empty# doesn't read any data into the Browser 
orderByStrSQL command ORDER for selection order control (sorting) (for Browser type only)
par1, par2, ...List of constants or local variables that will be used instead of the parameters of parameterized SQL condition.

Condition and sorting can be also defined when you are configuring the graphic object in the process. These will be changed when the function %HI_RefreshData is called and displaying is updated. These parameters are not used for displayer of Report type.

The condition that has been changed by calling the function %HI_RefreshData may be parameterized. The parameterization makes the work with SQL database easy because the preparing (compilation) of parameterized SQL expression can be done only when changing the condition or sorting (i.e. text format of SQL expression). The proper setting of database parameters (e.g. Oracle: session_cached_cursors) enables to recycling the cursors (the compiled commands) between the callings of %HI_RefreshData.

The rules for the parameters:
  • parameter refId must be always valid,
  • rules for whereStr and orderByStr:


    Entered validEmpty or entered but invalid
    whereStrchange of conditionThe last entered condition is valid (if it has not been entered, there is an empty string).
    orderByStrchange of sortingThe last entered sorting is valid (if it has not been entered, there is an empty string).

  • if par1 to parN are entered, their quantity must correspond to the condition (count #PAR#), however when changing the condition, they  may not be omitted,
  • if any of parameters from the range par1 to parN is invalid, it means NULL.

The function %HI_RefreshData makes its action in the way that new conditions of display delivers to proper displayer and ends itself aside from a result or success of display.

The function %HI_RefreshDataSync waits on the selection according to new parameters and informs about the success of action by its value (@TRUE = successful execution, @FALSE = error). If the browser, which displays DB table, is configured so that it is initiated automatically (the parameter "Initial query" is ticked off), the function cannot be used in the initiate (BEGIN..END) part of the picture. In such case it returns @FALSE.

The %HI_RefreshDataTrans function, unlike the %HI_RefreshData function, only schedules a data refresh of the displayer. The refresh is performed only when the transHandle transaction is committed with the DB_TRANS_COMMIT action. If the database operation is canceled (action DB_TRANS_ROLLBACK), data refresh will not be performed. If the %HI_RefreshDataTrans function is called multiple times for the same displayer, only one refresh is performed after the commit (with the parameters of the last call to the %HI_RefreshDataTrans function).
Note: The transHandle transaction can also be opened against another object of the Database type (other than the Database, which is the parent of the table whose data is in the displayer), but it is necessary that this object of the Database type has the same parent (the DBManager process) as the Database, which is the parent of the table whose data is in the displayer.

If a picture with a displayer of Browser type has been resized and the displayer has dynamic number of lines depending on browser's height configured (see the parameter Lines), the function %HI_RefreshData must be called to refresh the current page with a changed number of lines.


Blok kódu
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser)                  ; updating (without changes in condition, sorting or parameters)
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, "ID=21")         ; changing the condition and updating
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, "ID=21", "ID")   ; changing the condition, sorting and updating 




Blok kódu
 INT _cnt ; the local variable for the parameterized condition
 TEXT _name ; the local variable for the parameterized condition
 TEXT _INVALID = 1/0 ; auxiliary invalid constant of text type  

 _cnt := 1
 _name := "%SELF%"
 ; 1. change of condition (parameterized), sorting, parameters and updating
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, "CNT=#PAR# AND NAME LIKE #PAR#", "NAME", _cnt, _name)
 _cnt := 2
 _name := "%ODBC%"
 ; 2. just the change of parameters (recycling the SQL expression) and updating
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, "CNT=#PAR# AND NAME LIKE #PAR#", "NAME", _cnt, _name) ;  
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, _INVALID, _INVALID, _cnt, _name) ; equivalent alternative to the writing by line above (if the condition has not been changed from the point 1)
 ; 3. without changes (recycling the SQL expression) and updating
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser, "CNT=#PAR# AND NAME LIKE #PAR#", "NAME", _cnt, _name)
 %HI_RefreshData(_browser) ; equivalent alternative to the writing by line above (it the condition, sorting and parameters have not been changed from point 2)