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  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Addressing of D2000 objects: numeric ID (object HOBJ, in the D2000 branch) or text (object name, in the D2000N branch). 

Value types on the side of D2000 OPC UA server:


application_namename of the application
application_uriURI applications
pki_dirfull path to PKI directory structure (e.g. 'c:\D2000\D2000_APP\application1\opcuaserver\pki')
tcp_config.hostthe address of the network adapter on which OPC UA Server accepts connections ( for all network adapters)
tcp_config.portthe port on which OPC UA Server accepts connections
user_tokensthe list of configured users under which OPC UA clients can log in
endpointsthe list of access points of the OPC UA Server

The configuration file is read during the OPC UA Server startup, so the adjustments of parameters in the file will show only after a restart. If the PKI directory structure does not exist, OPC UA Server creates it (empty, without keys and certificates), based on the settings of of pki_dir parameter.

Configuration of PKI (public key infrastructure)

For running a secure communication between OPC UA Server and OPC UA client, it is necessary for OPC UA Server to create a PKI directory structure, private key, and a certificate.
