Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • for WriteType = Select, the Name must end with the string $SBO, e.g. CBCSWI1$CO$Pos$SBO
  • for WriteType = SelectWithValue/Operate/Cancel/TimeActivatedOperate, the Name must end with the string $ctlVal, e.g. CBCSWI1$CO$Pos$SBOw$ctlVal CBCSWI1$CO$Pos$SBOw$ctlVal (SelectWithValue/TimeActivatedOperate), CBCSWI1$CO$Pos$Oper$ctlVal (Operate), CBCSWI1$CO$Pos$Cancel$ctlVal (Cancel)


For the I/O tags, it is possible to find a list of objects and their data types, as long as the KOM process is running and communication is established. 
When a Browse button is clicked, the IEC61850 Browser window opens, and the KOM process begins to query the list of objects with the GetNameList-Request message and then their data types with the GetVariableAccessAttributes-Request message.
