Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


The reason is to already know the name of the application before connecting to the application server and loading the parameters from the TLS  registers (see point 3). 
The alternative is to set the DefaultApplication parameter in the registry.

A client connecting to a server using TLS will write this in the log. If certificate verification is also required and the certificate is correctly verified, the word VERIFIED is in the log:

[2022-09-23 07:48:11.289]I CLIENT - Connecting to D2000 Server [localhost] TCP/IP|TLS...
[2022-09-23 07:48:11.348]I CLIENT - Connection established to D2000 Kernel V22.00.074 s380 [TCP/IP localhost:3119][TLSv1.3 VERIFIED]. ConnectionSqId = 1

The kernel acceptting the client via TLS also writes this information in the log:

[2022-09-23 07:48:10.598]I BACKEND - RegistrateProces request from DispPC.HIP V22.00.074 s380 [TCP/IP][TLSv1.3]. ClientName: DispPC.HIP
[2022-09-23 07:48:10.600]I SERVER - RegistrateProces OK. ClientName: DispPC.HIP Id: 7652 ComputerName: PC1PHUM1v SAS: 0

titleChange of keys and certificates

The D2000 Server reads the TLS configuration each time the client is connected, so it is possible to change the configuration of the D2000 Server (including the change of files with a certificate and private key) during the D2000 Server runtime without any restart of the D2000 Server.
